Page 47 of Wolf Spell

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I shook as Luke and Austin stood over Lycaon. The bullet holes had congealed, his blood scarlet with silver flecks.

Grace crouched beside him. “He must have endured because of your blood Elsa, because of your magic? But how the hell can we get that out? We can’t exactly do a blood transfusion, can we?” She glanced up hopefully at Austin.

Frowning he shook his head. “Technically, maybe. There’s a place that did a transfusion for a vampire, but she hadn’t tasted blood... but he’s the father. I really don’t think that would work... Umm, Marrock, even if he was here, he’s too far removed from the blood line to help Lycaon, as are you Conor, I think?” Austin looked wide-eyed full of hope at Conor.

Shaking his head, Conor patted Austin’s back. “Sorry friend, my lineage is Scottish. But Zale could.”

My voice hitched. “Where is Zale? We need to find him.”

Hakon glanced at me, sympathy on his face. “What, in Savernake, with Adara on our tail? I agree, Zale’s blood could help, but…”

“I’ll go. I owe Lycaon, and, I’ll go. Grace, do you have the energy to get me there?”

Now I was the fool wishing on a prayer.

Her lips twisted as she got up. “Yes, but,” she looked to Austin, “can Lucius help? I can get Elsa there, but I may not be able to get her back? Unless I take them both?”

Fighting my fear, I replied, “That’s better. With Lycaon dying, if that doesn’t move Zale to help, we’re lost anyway. And Lycaon has had my blood, so Zale should know that, smell it?”

Tapping my shoulder, Hakon nodded. “I don’t like it, I don’t like it one bit, little witch. But it’s the best we got. I’m guessing having a vampire watch your back may not be the best idea?”

“No. I need to do this alone, not that I want to. If I want Zale to trust me, I have to earn that. And in turn trust him first.”

“He might kill you,” Austin blurted. “I mean, he probably will. But…” he stared back at Lycaon whose breathing was getting weaker.

“I will accompany you. Zale knows of me. He knows I’m a friend of Lycaon, he’ll trust me.”

For a moment the thought of Conor, a benevolent alpha made me breathe easier. But no. If Zale kills Lycaon, leaves him to die, or what’s left of Adara kills Lycaon, then Lycaon’s bloodline will be lost. And Adara’s plan lost with him.

It was a miracle that none of us had died so far.

Unable to clear my throat, I croaked. “Thank you, Conor. That means a lot. But no. You have a pack, a family. You can’t put your life on the line again. You barely made it out alive. I have to do this. Alone.”

I tried to stop trembling. I had to act, now. I had to save him, or die trying. And that terrified me. But being in this world without Lycaon, that terrified me more.

Austin sniffed, his eyes red from exhaustion. “Do it. Do it now, Grace. I’ll phone Lucius, though I couldn’t reach him earlier. And Elsa,” he fixed me with a stare, “try to stay alive. I have nothing to give you, no artefact, no advice really.”

Silence hung for a few seconds, it felt like time stretched over me, heavy, impending doom. Perhaps Adara had won. But they didn’t have his blood.

Zale, feral and full of vengeance was our only hope.

* * *

The woods were too quiet. Grace left me with Lycaon, who was delirious and laid on the ground. I bent over him, his skin gleaming with sweat as the liquid silver had penetrated his blood stream. I knew from my herbal studies with poison, there was only about an hour before it reached his heart.

An hour.

And I had to find Zale. And honestly, I had no idea how I would convince him to help. Their last contact had ended in a fight.

So here I was, hoping the Adara sect wasn’t lurking and that I wouldn’t have my head ripped off by Lycaon’s progeny.

Lycaon’s golden hair stuck to his face, as I brushed it away he tried to speak. Putting my finger on his lips, my heart burning, I said, “No, rest. Help is coming.”

He tried again, but I stood up and searched the trees that surrounded us. My heart raced, and I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice as I called, “Zale? Zale, Lycaon is dying. He needs your help. Your father needs you.”

My heart sank and vision blurred as a tingling ran through my limbs. Swallowing hard I tried again, in fact, I realised I had to keep shouting, calling his name. I had nothing of Zale’s to cast a spell, and exhaustion weighed me down.

And Adara would no doubt show up first.
