Page 51 of Wolf Spell

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Luke patted my shoulder. “You’re a bit drunk. Go and lie down for half an hour. Or we’ll cast a sleeping spell on you. I’ll wake you with a coffee, Ms. Brandt. Either that, or we’ll chain you to my bed?”

He slid off the bar stool. “This way. Take those filthy boots off, geez. Yes, here…”

In his living room a large fire blazed in the dragon shaped hearth. “Here, on here love, that’s it.”

I shuffled off my coat, letting it fall to the floor and laid out on his huge, comfy sofa. Luke placed a fleece blanket over me, and my eyelids refused to stay open. For a while I forgot I was in a nightmare and instead slept in dreamless peace.

Even in my darkest moments, there were those who were strangers to me, but willing to help and try to make me smile. Perhaps I would get through this, perhaps even with him…

Coffee aroused me from sleep. Luke’s voice was soft. Anxiety writhed in my stomach, my mind churning over and over all of the events. But as I opened my eyes I found the dragon shifter frowning, sitting before me on the coffee table.

“Here, I’ve put a little something in your coffee to ease your mind. God knows we all need it.”

I muttered a thank you and slowly sat up, my head groggy but a little less exhausted.

Smiling, Luke offered, “When you’re ready, love, we’ll cook up some spells.”

After drinking, the coffee fuelling my energy, I went upstairs to wash. Taking a deep breath, I knew I still had to find a way to bring down Adara, or at least weaken them. I guessed that every life they stole, they gained more power. With the shadow wolves it seemed they were actually using their souls. I knew that a soul is a powerful force, but to capture and use that, even make it do your bidding, I wasn’t sure where to begin. Perhaps an angel would know. Souls were their business.

I found Luke eating cereal in the kitchen, crouched over his phone at the kitchen bar.


I shook my head. “No. Thanks though. Can I make more coffee?”

“Sure. I sent Anthony home. I love that vampire but we need to get to work. Now, this sect, this secret society, what do you know already, tell me everything. Eventhe smallest detail may count.”

As I filled the kettle, I said, “Those shadow werewolves, they were the souls of werewolves? Perhaps Lucifer or his kin could help? They know about souls, sending them up or down?”

Speaking with a mouthful, he nodded. “Hum, that’s true enough. But I’m not sure if Heaven wants to be involved. Heck, they might even agree with a lot of Adara’s philosophy. The segregation of the species. Let’s keep that idea for later. For now, if we have a way to take away some of their power, well soul stealing is something we might need to learn?” He got up and put his bowl in the sink. The kitchen shone.

“You’ve been busy!

“Well mate, a messy room, a cluttered mind and all that.”

He held out an arm, then guided me through his kitchen, upstairs past his bedrooms. Hidden at the end of the corridor, in the wall was a secret doorway. As he placed his hand over a seemingly bare wall, a doorframe appeared in metallic green, much like his dragon’s eyes. He leaned into it, a slight grunt and the wall disappeared.

“Bloody Hell, you say you know alittle magic?I feel like a fraud, a witch from a coven who has nothing compared to your magic.”

“Don’t worry love, it’s the dragon’s blood, see? It’s pretty potent. Please, after you.”

He pulled a cord, lighting up the place. It was warm, cosy even with mahogany cupboards around two of the walls. A thick Persian rug on the floor decorated with an emerald dragon, like him. At the far end, fold up beds were placed against the wall, a desk with papers, scrolls and huge tomes of books balanced precariously near the edge, their gold edging catching the light. Two skylights in the roof above us lit up with silver stars in the inky sky. He pointed, and said, “There’s a fridge over there, juice and water in it if you want. I can’t always be bothered to go to the kitchen. Before we begin though, I just wanted you to know…” He glanced away, his chest rising and falling. I braced, waiting for the bad news…

Then his eyes changed, and heat radiated from him. I leaned back, was he going to turn?

Instead, he reached out. I placed my coffee on the side as he took my hand in his. If I thought werewolves were warm to the touch, dragon shifters were next level. Like heating your hands in front of the hearth. His voice was deep and soft as he said, “Elsa, I know what it is to think you’ve found love, then lose it again. The same happened to me, though it was through my own stupid behaviour that I pushed the woman I loved away. But you should know all shifters have a tendency to be jealous and protective. In her case, my behaviour drove her into the arms of the very demon who I was jealous of, ironic huh? Knowing this, I doubt Lycaon will let you go. If he does, he’s a fool and you dodged a bullet.”

I didn't know what to say. Swallowing hard, I said, “Thanks. I really can’t think about it right now. It’s stupid that I feel so much, I don’t know him. I guess it’s because I gave him my blood. I need to concentrate on saving Marrock right now. And, if we can, bring down this violent society. I’m not sure there’s much we can do for Zale, he’s too wrapped up in his own hatred. But if I, we, can free Loren’s soul, and save others from Adara, that would make everyone safer.”

He let go of my hands and pulled out a chair. “Well, sometimes these things happen fast. Still, we’ve got your back. Let me tell you what I’ve found out. These sigils on the trees where Austin, Grace, Marrock and Hakon were darted? The marks were Svefnthorn, a Norse sleeping spell. From my research some of Marrock’s pack have a lineage dating back to Norse, so it stands to reason that members of Adara have that, too.” He grimaced, his shoulders lifting, as he frowned. “I think it’s safe to conclude that there could be members from the Savernake pack in this secret society. So, what did you find at Ellsworth? You tell me and I’ll select what I think will help, then you can check.”

Luke pointed to the cupboards, strode over and opened them. Shelves packed with jars of herbs, bottles with green, blue and crimson liquids. Strange masks, poppets, feathers and various skulls adorned with silver runes. I felt a rush of energy wash over me, and he grinned. “Not bad for a rookie, huh?”

Brushing my hair away from my face, I got up and went over to it. “So Adara are using a combination of magic, perhaps Norse witchcraft. So when you arrived after Hakon, Austin, Marrock and Grace had been drugged,” I paused realising the consequences. “Then no doubt they would’ve taken them and,” a lump formed in the back of my throat, "sacrificed them if you hadn’t arrived when you did.”

He glanced down at me, still frowning. “Possibly. Timing, it seems, is everything.”

My chest tightened with fear. “We know their ritual will be held on the anniversary of Loren’s death and that’s tonight. We have a lot to pack in. I suspect it’ll begin at midnight. I’m surprised you need magic though. Why the interest, I mean obviously you’re no rookie. You put me to shame, and I’m meant to be in a coven.”
