Page 53 of Wolf Spell

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He threw me a lopsided grin. “Nah, but since I was turned into this,” he gestured to his body, “this thing, trouble seems to follow me around. That and having to drink blood. At least now I’m part demon, I get to eat and drink again. My first meal was a curry, pure heaven I can tell you.”

“I didn’t know that. Are many vampires part-demon?”

“Certainly not. Most are too predatory for that, they’d use it against mortals, hiding in plain sight.”

“You sound like you hate being immortal?”

He sighed, turned around and looked wistfully across the room. “I didn’t choose it. I live every day, every hour with guilt. Guilt of those who I’ve killed. Drained. I make the most of life,” he glanced at me, “such as it is. Everyone needs purpose. Mine is to help.”

“But you still drink blood?”

“And Marrock’s pack still eats people, much like Lycaon I hear?”

I nodded. “Yes, well, that’s nothing to do with me now. Most vampires drink from evil people, I hear. And don’t completely drain their victims.”

He chuckled. “That’s what we want you to believe. But yes, evil. Keeping them alive, perhaps… Elsa, regardless of what I, or Hakon tell you, no matter how comfortable you are around us, remember. Vampires are hunters. It’s hard for us to stop thinking about blood. Your blood. This isn’t meant to scare you, I have mastered self-control. But if I was drained of blood, or if I was in a feeding frenzy, much like a werewolf, you’d better keep your distance. In those circumstances, we may not have control.”

“Lycaon said the same. Good to know.”

He carried the jars of herbs to the desk, put them down, then, sucking in his cheeks, eyed the room before his gaze settled on me. “The reason I’m telling you now is that I haven’t fed. I thought it might be useful facing this secret society.”

“Ok. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll remember to stay out of your way.”

He shot me a smile, fangs and all.

“So what spell from this grimoire are we using? And I have the Malum athame.”

I poured over the grimoire whilst he gathered the rest of the herbs.

“Where did you get this Malum athame? In Hell, I mean is it yours?”

He shrugged. “Heck no. It’s Paimon’s, another king of Hell. You can feel its dark power. Fight evil with evil…”

Even before I picked it up, my fingers hovering over it, power pumped through my hands, snaking up my arms. Unable to repress a shudder, I wrapped my fingers around it. So this was an energy from a king of Hell!

“Be careful, it is potent!” he grinned.

“I can feel that. You work with this power?”

Anthony did a mock bow. “I’m the king of Hell. Would you expect less?” he chuckled.

Sheathing it in my belt, I said, “I guess not. Thank you!”

We busied ourselves mixing the herbs together.

Anthony broke the silence. “I’m sorry if I scared you earlier. That was not my intention. You’re quite safe.”

“Thanks, I understand. I feel a bit left out, I never have to warn anyone about anything.”

Although maybe I should warn others after I used the blood magic, then gave my blood to the father of wolves!

Engrossed in the spell, Anthony offered, “We need a chalice, candles, something to make a pentacle and crystals wouldn’t go amiss.”

As I turned looking for tools, Anthony edged closer. “Elsa?”

I met his gaze. His scent was heady, spicy, sweet and musky. Like Hakon, he was impeccably dressed. His eyes, pure white with a hint of crimson were menacing and alluring at the same time. Or maybe alluring because he was, well dangerous. And charming as hell. I sighed, “Look, until this week my experience of vampires was Hakon and his therapy. And I’d never met a werewolf. I realise I seem naive, I was, and I’m learning fast.” I let out a pent-up breath, his lashes lowered, he nodded.

“You’re doing great. Luke filled me in, it’s a lot.” He looked up at me. “Adara, you said, had feral werewolves and vampires. When we face Adara, Luke, Austin and Grace and you should all form a circle, back to back. Things could get… bloody. And I don’t think you're naive, I think you’re handling everything remarkably well. Mattie should be proud of you.”
