Page 54 of Wolf Spell

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Before I could speak, a loud shouting, a yell as Luke, Austin and Grace came falling through a portal, literally falling at our feet, skulls tumbling from their hands, rolling across the floor.

“Bloody hell!” Grace yelled. She was bleeding, as was Luke who gagged violently, and Austin who rasped, coughing. “Seal it. Bloody hell!”

I have to hand it to Anthony, he moved faster than I could see, both his arms raised and shouting so loud that my eardrums stung, screaming a spell but not before a werewolf broke through.

Holy hell. The creature’s head nearly hit the rafters, its fore limbs lashing out, curved claws split open the vampire's hands. Yelling in pain, Anthony crumbled to the floor, blood pouring from his palms as he smacked down hard on his knees. Fear gripped my limbs. But something pulsated through me and I found myself pushing the vampire to one side and chantinga spell in Latin, forcing the beast back with magic. It recoiled, snarling and from my mouth I spat more Latin. The portal sealed shut.

Suddenly drained of energy I put out my hands, my legs like jelly as I fought the urge to puke. Seemingly possessed by something, Anthony lunged at me, his white eyes staring right through me as he opened his mouth.

Again I shouted, in a voice that wasn’t my own. Raising my hand, I flung him into the cupboard. He bounced off it, jars shattering around him.

“Whoa, what a ride!” Austin whistled.

Luke was getting up, Grace helping Austin who appeared drunk. Frowning hard, his forehead wrinkled, the dragon shifter's voice was deep, full of concern. “What was that voice, Elsa, that wasn’t you?”

Dizzy, I put my hand out, walking over to the desk and perched on the edge.

Anthony stood up, brushing himself off. “Who cares, whatever, she saved us. All of us. So, you brought company back with you? That was nice of you! Is everyone ok? We’d better have a drink, something strong. Then I think we’d better get this ritual done as soon as possible.”

Anthony did a mock bow. “Apologies, Elsa, I wasn’t myself. Something was in my head, too. With the blood loss, I was compelled to-”

My voice raised as I said, “You’re still bleeding.” I rushed over, pulling his arms before him and muttered a simple healing enchantment. Violently he sucked in air, wheezing.

One more fierce outburst and then the vampire collapsed at my feet.

As Luke chained Anthony up, all of us jittery, we carefully gathered the skulls and bones.

“I hate to put him in chains, but we can’t wait around. Otherwise I’d offer him some of my blood.”

Startled, I stared at Luke. “Really? Why chain him and you’d give him dragon’s blood?”

Lowering his voice, Luke replied, looking from Anthony to me. “Something’s possessed him. And yes, of course I’d share blood with him. He’s a good friend.”

Austin almost squeaked, “Friend? Is that what you’re calling it now?”

Grace frowned at the mage, his fingers danced before him. A slow deep breath, Austin snapped out of his stupor. “Ohh, that was… weird.”

Frowning, Luke padded to the door. “There’s a large box downstairs in the garage. You can place the werewolf's remains in there. Austin?”

Blinking rapidly Austin nodded. “Sorry mate, I still feel queasy, like I’m smashed. Their magic is weird. And potent. Phew!”

Luke cocked his head. “Well, whatever possessed Anthony, we can’t take the chance. Even if he breaks the chains, they’ll slow him down. And he doesn’t know where Savernake forest is. If we go to the stone circle first, call on the spirits, then we can transport to Savernake.”

I shuddered looking at Anthony, whose face was looking more emaciated by the minute. His skin looked stretched, thin across his high cheekbones. His lips, instead of blood red were pale. His limp frame hung from the chains like a skeleton, arms above his head.

“We can’t leave Anthony like that. Look at him, he’s decaying,” I pleaded with them.

“I’ll… I’ll leave him a drop of my blood, but honestly, I’m not sure if it’s the right thing. Grace, Elsa, can you do something, too? I think he’s still possessed.”

Grace was still getting her breathe back, she glanced at me. “A vampire’s prayer? They have their own grimoire.”

I didn’t mean for my voice to be so high pitched, “Who the heck do vampires pray to?”

Luke shrugged. “I have no idea. Here…” He strode over to the cupboards, stepping over the shattered jars and glass on the floor.

“Elsa, we’ll mix some herbs, a sleeping spell?”

I nodded and we gathered a few basics. White sage, basil for grounding, lavender for purity, though for a vampire- who knew with that one. As I dropped some dried ingredients into the mortar, Luke ground them up with the pestle.
