Page 55 of Wolf Spell

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“Salt,” Grace offered.

Luke walked back to the cupboard, opened a cabinet door, and handed Grace a bag. “Here, you do this. A good idea. Elsa, you cast a blessing, or whatever for Anthony. I’ll leave him a drop of blood.”

I calmed my mind, or least attempted to, the bowl of herbs in my hand. The magic in me was fainter, weaker. I didn’t know any vampire specific spells, so I improvised.

I chanted softly, scattering him with the herbs as I went.

“A vampires spell for a tortured spirit

Let your soul find peace and quiet

Banish the evil that lies within

Let your kind nature

Arise, within

With the power of light, of good from witches

Restore Anthony to all he wishes.”

I sighed, standing back. Eyeing him, I saw no change straight away, but then I’d never done spell work for a vampire.

Luke touched my shoulder. “I like it, simple spells are usually the most potent. Plus, it’s all in the intention.” He placed a small phial of his blood next to Anthony.

Grace smiled. “Well, he might turn back into a human if you want him to be all good.”

Rolling my lips as I watched him, I thought, he’d probably want that.

A shadow seemed to pass over my soul. My limbs felt heavy. Part of me, a large part if I’m honest, longed for the comfort of my life before this. Of log fires, the simple spells and cake. I had no idea how I was coping and the fact that some freaky energy, or entity seemed to be using me as a vessel scared the living daylights out of me. My only solace, don’t think about it. Yeah, not much, huh. After this mess was done, I’d get Austin to perform an exorcism or something. Maybe make me forget. I felt like any courage I had was draining away. I took a deep breath.

We gathered our tools, the herbs and stood facing each other as Austin transported us to the stone circle.

* * *

In the field, pale shards of moonlight reflected and danced over the stone circle, making the monoliths look like they were moving. Beneath our feet, the grass squelched, aromas of sweet rotten leaves and rain.

Placing crystals inside the stone circle in the shape of a pentacle, I shivered as the wind nipped at my fingers. Luke busied himself by sprinkling salt in a circle outside the pentacle, whilst Austin and Grace placed the skulls and bones inside the circle of salt. In the centre I put the chalice, dropping the herbs into it. The chalice gleamed a golden hue, and as I whispered a blessing, a plea for help, warmth flooded through me.

Frazzled from his expedition to Ellsworth Manor, Austin pulled out his wand but his smile was dulled.

“Alright bitches, we ready?”

“Yeah, enough of that language, Spike. The first incantation has to be really positive. I’m not sure using ‘bitches’ in a ceremony to bless and ask condemned souls to help us is what we’re after?” I shrugged.

“I was kidding.”

“I’m not. We haven’t got much time and we cannot afford to be anything less than one hundred percent positive, we have to assume this works.”

He rolled his eyes. “Ok. Law of assumption it is then.”

I love Austin, I really do. I knew he didn’t mean harm, but words carry power and energy. And we were on thin ice here.

“I scanned the grimoire, I’m going to interpret one of the spells, make it our own.”

Luke shuffled restlessly, nodding. Grace composed herself, Austin shot me a grin.

“Shall I light the herbs?”
