Page 58 of Wolf Spell

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“Who the hell areyouto kill me? Take off your mask, coward!”

His laugh cut right through me.

“Masks are the least of your worries. We don't hide from you, our masks protect others, packs, covens, nests of vampires. You’d be surprised how many members we have, Elsa. Hundreds? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Come, the moon is almost at its apex. Your time has arrived.”

He stepped towards me, and his underlings edged forwards. Like ice in my blood, cold swept through me and I found I was unable to move. I locked eyes with Lycaon, the blade from a masked member still pressed close to his throat.

With Lycaon at their mercy, it was leaving me no choice. And though fear flooded every cell of my body, I couldn’t let this group slaughter my friends.

Not even staring death in the face, as the leader laughed, a deep rumble from his stomach, his mask mirrored myself. Where was this force, this entity now when I needed it most? I was left without power, alone, without options.

Glancing over his shoulder, the leader shouted, “Bring the others. We shall, I shall honour my word. We are savages without honour.”

The society cleared a space, and a handcuffed Marrock was brought forward.

One of the members, perhaps the woman who had challenged the leader from the last time, shouted, “You cannot let them all go. We need their blood. Kill her and be done with this nonsense.”

A moment of silence stretched before us. Her voice seemed familiar, but honestly the fear was so tightly bound up in me, I wasn’t even sure if this was real. Then a feral vampire snarled, and its stench brought me right back to the present moment. I heard Austin and Grace move, slightly.

Spinning, my mind was unable to process this. I wasn’t a brave fighter. I was an average witch at best, coming from a line of witches and mages who had never been involved in anything spectacular. I’d never known my dad, and my mum, as me, we were happy normally plodding through life. My only drama was found in books and movies.

As the leader strode closer, time slowed even more and colours around me faded to grey.

Trembling, fear turned to anger, bubbling up like boiling water. I narrowed my eyes at Lycaon whose stare pressed into mine. The slightest movement in his lips, they parted, the masked leader stepped even closer.

Then, as if exploding through me, a torrent of silver light flared out from me. Spots appeared before my eyes, I was blinded for a few seconds. Sweat broke out on the back of my neck from the heat and I heard their cries as my skin grew hotter, burning.

Like a tidal wave of fire rushing through me, pouring out from my hands, rasping I wanted it to stop. I tried to cry out, to yell but everything was consumed by silver flames, like molten silver.

They screamed, shouting around me. I felt a grip of a hand on my arm, the scent of old flames. Luke. He gasped, pulling his hand back and shouted to Austin but my mind was too consumed in the process to know what he was saying.

But then I saw it. The light swelled above me, forming, changing almost like a cloud of light. Slow at first, a blob, the legs, a body, a tail... a head.

My mouth hung open, still this energy flooded from me and I could just make out the wolf’s jaw as it opened before the fleeing Adara members, its snarl cutting through my ears.

The leader crouched, his hands weaving frantically before sending a stream of scarlet magic that bolted into it. It shattered, sending thousands of shards of glass like material, impaling on the feral beasts and some of the secret society.

Just as suddenly, like a tap being switched off, the power radiating from me stopped. Doubling over, sickness curdled in my stomach. Pain smarted through my limbs, clenching at the nerves running down my back. My knees weakened.

Again I felt a hand grab me. But it wasn’t Luke.

Swearing, I was snatched, pulled away then thrown backwards.

My eyes felt like they’d been burned by a red hot poker. As I thudded on the ground, the leader stomping towards me, Grace lunged before him, shooting blue light. He matched her without trying, the magic whipping from his fingers smashed into her, thrusting her away. He grunted at the inconvenience.

Now above me, his hand went to grab my neck. I fought back but was as weak as a kitten. I tried to muster magic, any magic but I was defeated. I didn’t even know if Lycaon lived. Something told me to surrender. To give up. This was it.

I couldn’t meet death on my feet.

“I should’ve killed you long ago, so like your mother. An abomination.” As he weaved his fingers above my face, I smelt it. So did he.

He spun around fast, the wolf snarled, its paw outstretched and sliced right through this leader’s neck.

Like a fountain, his artery sprayed blood as his body caught up with his death. He staggered for a few seconds before thudding to the ground in a crimson splatter of his blood. I lay there, confused, slightly concussed, I think, exhausted.

Cracking and splitting of bones had me push myself up to my knees, to see the beast change back to the man. A slice on his neck, but Lycaon’s head was attached. Then frantically looking past him, I saw Austin, and Grace chasing the rest of the members, whilst Marrock and Hakon roared, brutally murdering the feral beasts.

His lips curved slightly, Lycaon bent next to me, then looked at the dead leader.
