Page 59 of Wolf Spell

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“Do you want to see who that is, or was?”

“Not really. But I suppose we need to know.”

He nodded, eyes narrowed as he pulled the mask away from the leader intent on killing me. His sacrifice.

I was lost for words. I hadn’t seen him in forever, but I knew the face.

I’d seen it many times in an old album that was kept at my mum’s home in her loft. His face hadn’t changed for twenty-years. He was a mage, after all.

It was my father...

* * *

In shock, I stood up with the help of Lycaon. He said nothing verbally, his eyes said everything.

My father? I hadn’t even seen him in forever. I needed to run, hide… to warn my mum. I’d only heard snippets of their turbulent marriage, but she was adamant not to bad-mouth anyone. If I wanted to know, she said I could find him myself. I guess she never thought he’d go this psycho though.

His arm wrapped around me, now Lycaon spoke, his voice soothing, “Dark magic consumes the mind, twists it, tortures the soul. He was a product of his own creation. In the end, his own magic destroyed him. We can become that which we most fear. And that fear will destroy us.”

I let my head fall onto his chest as we walked, picking our way through the carnage. I swallowed hard, trying not to gag.

“Well, you helped. The claws...”

Lycaon’s voice was deep, calming. “I said I would kill for you. I was nearly too late. What a bloody mess this all is.”

Taking a lungful of air I said, “I guess this is why you stay isolated a lot. I understand that now. A remote cabin in the woods, that sounds like absolute bliss right now.”

Pulling me in tighter, he replied with a small chuckle, “Well, according to Conor, when I stayed with him, a remote cabin with bathroom facilities and internet are a must in this modern age.”

Nervously I laughed.

The first werewolf, as old as Zeus himself...


Casting fire, Austin and Grace burned as many of the corpses as possible, then lumbered over. Their faces were pale, drawn from exhaustion.

The rest of Adara had scattered to the wind.

I felt unease trickle down my back, something still didn’t feel right.

His voice croaky, Austin narrowed his eyes. “We’re off in a bit, Elsa, I’m assuming you’ll want a transport home?”

“More than you can imagine. I know this is like your day job, but I’m very under qualified for this line of work.”

“Nope, you passed with flying colours. It does take getting used to. And it can make you cranky... especially when you don’t get a holiday,” Austin gasped.

I looked at Luke. “You’ll check on Anthony? I hope he’s alright?”

“Well, he’s chained up in my home, so I’ll soon find out. You two go, have a rest. We all need a rest. Looks like everyone else has run away. I don’t know how you pulled that off Elsa, that was something else! Hakon will be pissed he missed it though!”

Lycaon asked Austin to send him home to get some clothes. Chuckling almost hysterically from exhaustion, the mage had agreed and fifteen minutes later Lycaon had returned, so Austin, after a hug, sent me and Lycaon away.

I took my wolfman home with me.

The faint scent of lavender and sage hung in the air, he bent down. “You do know that sage isn’t enough to actually repel demons?”

“That’s why you’re here. I need to wash, and so do you. And we still, or I still need to put Loren’s soul to rest. I’m so sorry about Zale.”
