Page 34 of Alien Santa's Gift

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The long-awaited day of the Toy-Crafting Competition had finally dawned. After months of tireless dedication and meticulous crafting, I found myself standing in the grandeur of the Great Exhibition Hall, my concealed masterpiece resting on the display table. My heart thudded loudly in my chest, and a nervous energy coursed through my veins.

The hall buzzed with anticipation as spectators filled the aisles, eager to witness the unveiling of this year’s masterpieces. One by one, the toymakers presented their creations to the judges. The audience was treated to a dazzling array of mechanical marvels - dolls that moved with lifelike precision, miniature sleighs that effortlessly glided on icy tracks, and intricate puzzle boxes that, when opened, revealed breathtaking crystalline worlds within. Each unveiling was met with gasps of wonder and admiration.

The spotlight then shifted to Holly. With a flourish, she dramatically revealed her entry - a masterfully crafted miniature sleigh, complete with intricately carved reindeer caught in mid-leap. The sheer artistry of her work elicited gasps of awe from the crowd. Holly’s self-assured smirk made it clear she believed victory was already hers.

And then, it was my turn. My fingers trembled slightly as I reached for the cloth covering my creation. This was the culmination of my journey, the embodiment of countless hours of labor and innovation. Taking a steadying breath, I pulled back the cloth, unveiling my vision to the world.

A collective gasp filled the hall, followed by a stunned silence. Whispers of astonishment soon grew into a chorus of excited chatter and applause. My creation was a fusion of Yulian and Earthly craftsmanship - a mesmerizing dollhouse with towering crystal spires, each housing whimsical dolls made of cloth and paper. It was a harmonious blend of the familiar and the novel, symbolizing my unique journey as a bridge between two worlds.

However, not everyone was pleased. Holly’s face contorted with indignation. “This abomination mocks our age-old traditions!” she exclaimed, her voice dripping with disdain. “Yulian toys should reflect our rich heritage, not be tainted by foreign influences!”

I squared my shoulders, meeting her gaze head-on. “Traditions evolve. By merging the old with the new, we breathe fresh life into our craft.”

Before Holly could retort, the chief elder of the competition gestured for silence. “The judges have reached a decision.” The hall was thick with tension. I gripped Xanther’s hand, hardly daring to breathe.

The elder’s voice rang out, clear and resonant, “The winner is... Noelle of Earth!”

Time seemed to stand still. The realization that I had triumphed against all odds, even besting the formidable Holly, washed over me. Xanther’s joy mirrored my own as he lifted me into a jubilant embrace amidst roaring applause. Tears of gratitude blurred my vision as I held aloft the wreath award, a symbol of my hard-fought victory.

As the celebrations continued, I couldn’t help but glance at Holly. She stood, a picture of shock and disbelief. While I felt a twinge of empathy for her, my moment of triumph was too sweet to be overshadowed. Holly’s disapproval no longer held any power over me.

Chapter Fourteen


In the days that followed my unexpected victory in the Toy-Crafting Competition, the atmosphere around me seemed to shift and transform, as if the very air was charged with a new energy. The village, once a place where I felt the weight of skeptical eyes and doubtful glances, now welcomed me with open arms and smiles that reached the eyes of the Yulians I passed on the snowy lanes.

Children, their faces alight with curiosity and excitement, would run up to me, their crystalline kites forgotten in their hands, as they peppered me with questions about my winning toy. They would look up at me with wide, hopeful eyes, asking if I could show them how to make a toy just like mine. The elders, who had once regarded me with a certain aloofness, now nodded their heads in approval as I walked by, their faces creased with smiles that spoke of acceptance and respect.

One crisp morning, as I made my way to the workshop, a familiar figure caught my eye. Holly, her white hair flowing in the wind, was walking hand in hand with Dancer, a fellow toymaker known throughout the village for his dashing looks and charming demeanor. Their laughter rang out, a melody that harmonized with the crisp air of the village. I couldn’t help but notice the genuine happiness that lit up Holly’s eyes, a stark contrast to the bitterness that had once marred her beautiful face. It seemed she had found a new focus for her affections, and a part of me was relieved, while another part genuinely hoped she had found the happiness she sought.

Inside the workshop, the change was palpable. No longer was I the outsider looking in. Artisans approached me, their faces alight with the eagerness to collaborate and learn from my unique perspective. But I was cautious, mindful of the delicate balance that needed to be maintained. I had no intention of overhauling the Yulian way of life, their traditions that were steeped in history and rich with meaning. Instead, I sought to introduce subtle innovations, a blending of the best of both our worlds. A tweak here, a new material there, always ensuring that the essence of Yulian craftsmanship remained intact.

One day, I introduced a new type of joint for the dolls, allowing for more fluid and lifelike movement. Another time, I suggested a blend of Earthly and Yulian materials, resulting in toys that shimmered with a previously unseen iridescence. The artisans were receptive, their faces alight with the possibilities that lay before us. Together, we created masterpieces that were a true fusion of our combined skills and cultures, a testament to the beauty that can arise from the melding of different worlds.

Outside of the workshop, my relationship with Xanther flourished, our bond deepening as we navigated the challenges and joys of my integration into Yulian society. We shared quiet moments beneath the dancing auroras, their colors painting the night sky in hues of green and violet. He was my rock, always there to celebrate my successes and offer comfort during the occasional setback.

One evening, as we sat on a balcony overlooking the twinkling lights of the village, Xanther took my hand in his, his touch warm and comforting. “You’ve done more than just find your place here, Noelle,” he murmured, his eyes reflecting the colors of the night sky. “You’ve enriched our world with your presence and creativity.”

I leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his embrace envelop me. “And you’ve given me a home, a purpose, and a love I never thought possible,” I whispered back, my voice catching with emotion.

Chapter Fifteen


The festive atmosphere of Yule was palpable as another Christmas neared. The village was abuzz with activity, the workshops humming with the sounds of toymakers perfecting their creations. But amidst the joy and anticipation, a knot of worry formed in the pit of my stomach. This year would be different. This year, Noelle would be joining me on the gift delivery to Earth.

As I watched her excitedly discuss plans with the other Yulians, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. Earth was a different world, and while the magic of Christmas protected us during our deliveries, there was always the slim chance of being seen. The image of Santa Claus was well-known, but Noelle’s presence could raise questions.

One evening, as we sat in our cozy living quarters, I broached the subject. “Noelle,” I began, choosing my words carefully, “have you ever considered... taking on a different form during our Christmas Eve journey?”

She looked at me, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

I took a deep breath. “Perhaps, for just that night, you could shapeshift into Mrs. Claus. It would make our appearance less conspicuous, just in case someone were to catch a glimpse of us.”

Noelle’s eyes widened in surprise, but she didn’t immediately dismiss the idea. “You think it’s necessary?”

I nodded. “It’s a precaution. Earthlings have a very specific image of Santa and Mrs. Claus. It would be best if we fit that image.”
