Page 39 of Alien Santa's Gift

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Yet doubts still lingered in quiet moments. Would revealing my origins put Noelle’s family at risk? What unforeseen consequences might arise from blending our worlds? Logic cautioned maintaining distance and secrecy.

But Noelle’s radiant joy at the prospect dissolved my icy reservations. The rewards outweighed any risks. We would navigate this path together, customs be damned.

Too soon, the day arrived when we descended through brisk winter air toward Noelle’s hometown. Apprehension and excitement warred within me. So much hinged on her family’s reaction to the impossible truth.

Stepping through the front door, boisterous greetings and delicious scents enveloped us. But curious glances were cast our way as we sipped eggnog, sensing the gravity beneath our holiday cheer.

Sensing the time had come, I cleared my throat and began solemnly, “Dear ones, Noelle and I have something important to share...”

Noelle gave my hand an encouraging squeeze beneath the table. Bolstered by her faith in me, I continued slowly, “You have welcomed me as one of your own, though I have not been fully honest about”

I paused, pulse racing. “In truth, I hail from a distant world called Yule. I know this sounds impossible, but magic is real.”

To demonstrate, I levitated a nearby poinsettia with a flick of my wrist. Stunned gasps echoed around the room. Noelle beamed proudly as I went on to explain my role as Santa.

“Your family means everything to Noelle, so it was time you knew her partner is no ordinary man...” I concluded nervously. “I pray you can accept the full truth of who I am.”

A shocked silence followed. Then Noelle’s mother whispered in awe, “Well, bless my stars...I knew there was something special about you!”

Murmurs of dazed agreement rose as they crowded closer to examine me in this new light - quite literally. Their awe eclipsed any fear.

“All those stories he told the kids were true…” Noelle’s sister said in abject fascination.

Noelle’s father grasped my shoulder firmly. “Pointy ears or not, you’re one of us now. We take care of our own.” Her siblings nodded resolutely. My anxiety dissolved into profound relief.

The week with Noelle’s family flew by in a blur of holiday activities and celebrations. Her parents and siblings embraced me as one of their own without reservation, their warm acceptance meaning the world.

Too soon, our final evening together arrived. The bittersweet knowledge that tomorrow we must be on our way dimmed the festive mood. Laughter seemed to catch painfully in our throats.

As her family chatted happily around the fire, exchanging plans for future gatherings, I drew Noelle aside. Joy and sorrow mingled within me like advancing dawn and retreating night.

“A moment, my love,” I murmured, leading her onto the porch where festive lights twinkled against the winter darkness. Snowflakes drifted around us in hypnotic silence.

Taking Noelle’s small hands in mine, I poured out my overflowing heart. “This week with your incredible family has been a profound gift. Their openness reminds me no chasm is too wide for love to bridge.”

Noelle’s eyes glistened, reflecting the colorful holiday lights. She laid her head against my chest. “I’m so happy you feel that way,” she whispered. “They love you as much as I do.”

Her words pierced me to the core. Before I could lose courage, I slowly knelt, heedless of the snow seeping into my trousers.

“Noelle, make me the happiest being in all the cosmos and consent to be my wife.”

Her eyes flew wide, lips parting in surprise. Time seemed to hold its breath, snowflakes hovering motionless around us.

Then Noelle was in my arms crying joyful tears. “Oh, Xanther, yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” Her salty lips found mine in a kiss that tasted of sweet eternity.

Scooping her up, I spun dizzily across the snow-blanketed yard as she laughed breathlessly. The universe felt open with possibility and light.

We burst back inside to share the news. Noelle’s family whooped and cheered, swarming us in hearty embraces and excited wedding chatter. Their unconditional love humbled me deeply.

As impromptu celebrations swirled around us, I had eyes only for my radiant bride-to-be. The lonely Santa days seemed lifetimes ago now. Noelle was my home, my heart - now and forevermore.

Our miraculous new beginning stretched out ahead, bright as the brilliant cosmos waiting to embrace us again. As long as we traveled the journey together, no divide could ever keep us apart. Our love had spanned the stars between worlds.


“You got down on your knees to propose to me, and now it’s my turn,” Noelle said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

She sank to her knees, her gaze never wavering. The smoldering desire within them was unmistakable, and my heart raced in anticipation.
