Page 5 of Alien Santa's Gift

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Noelle giggled at the term. “Well, you certainly have the laugh for it!”

I joined in her laughter. “Why, thank you! And while a century may seem a long tenure in human terms, for my people it is but a brief time.”

I leaned in conspiratorially. “If it helps, in your Earth years I would be...hmm, about thirty years of age when I first donned the red suit. Barely more than a youth!”

Noelle’s eyes sparkled. “No way, only thirty? You definitely wear it well. So how old does that make you now?”

“Let’s Yulian years, I have seen nearly 300 seasons come and go.” I stroked my false beard thoughtfully. “Roughly three of your human lifetimes.”

Noelle shook her head in wonder. “Man, I can’t even imagine. You must have some wild stories to tell!”

“That I do,” I chuckled. “Perhaps if we meet again someday, I will share more tales of Christmases past.”

The idea of meeting this bright spirit another night warmed me. But dawn would soon be breaking, and there were still gifts to deliver.

Chapter Three


I couldn’t believe how quickly the time had passed. The stars were already fading against the lightening sky as Xanther finished regaling me with tales of Christmas mishaps on his early flight attempts.

“Well, Miss Winters,” Xanther said regretfully as his story concluded, “I’m afraid I have already tarried here far too long. The children await their gifts.”

My heart sank. There was still so much I wanted to ask, so much more I hoped to learn about this astonishing being from another world.

“Of course, I understand,” I replied, trying not to sound as disappointed as I felt. “Thank you again for taking the time to talk with me at all. I’ll never forget this night.”

Xanther studied me with his piercing blue eyes. “Nor shall I. Our meeting has been...most illuminating.” He hesitated, conflicted emotions crossing his face.

“I wish circumstances allowed me to remain here longer,” he confessed. “You cannot imagine what a joy it has been to truly converse with a human. But unfortunately, I chose long ago to take up this duty. And it must be seen through.”

I nodded, moved by his obvious reluctance to leave. On impulse, I reached out and squeezed his hand.

“I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone,” I promised solemnly.

Xanther’s expression softened with relief. “You are too kind. Perhaps some small reward is in order.” His eyes lit up, and he snapped his fingers. “How would you like to join me on the remainder of my deliveries tonight?”

My mouth dropped open in delighted shock. “ your sleigh? Me?”

“If you wish it.” Xanther grinned, looking suddenly years younger.

“I can’t imagine anything more magical!” I cried. This was a dream come true!

Xanther’s face lit up at my enthusiastic acceptance. Before I knew what was happening, he grasped my hands and whirled me around the yard in an impromptu dance, our feet scattering fresh powder. I shrieked in surprise, then dissolved into giggles.

“Come, the sleigh awaits!” Xanther cried merrily. In one smooth motion, he wrapped an arm around my waist and lifted me high, depositing me lightly onto the padded sleigh seat.

I gasped as my body settled into the plush red velvet interior. Xanther vaulted over the side to join me, landing with a thump beside me on the bench.

“Ready for takeoff, little passenger?” His eyes sparkled brighter than the lingering stars above.

“Ready!” I confirmed breathlessly, gripping the sleigh edge. My heart pounded an exhilarated rhythm in my chest.

Xanther gathered the leather reins and issued a command in a lyrical alien tongue. The reindeer pawed the rooftop eagerly, harnesses jingling.

With a mighty “Hyah!” Xanther snapped the reins. The sleigh jolted forward and we were aloft, gliding up and over my neighborhood in a graceful arc. I gasped as the ground fell away, my hair whipping back.

Xanther let out a deep belly laugh beside me. “Here we go, Noelle! Hold on tight!”
