Page 103 of Grumpy Player

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“You seem familiar.”

I snicker. “I don’t think we run in the same circles.”

“Right. You are a very beautiful woman, Ellie.”

“Aren’t you and Sybil getting married?”

“Come on, I’ve got a lot to offer a girl like you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m a very rich man. There’s nothing wrong if we have some fun together. I could make it worth your while.”

“I’m not that kind of girl, Warren.”

“Come on. Why did Connor hire such a beautiful woman to take care of his child?”

“Because I am good with his daughter.”

“You’re feisty. I love the red hair.”

“Get your hands off me. In no scenario is this ending well for you.”

“A girl like you shouldn’t threaten a man like me.”

I watch Sybil. She is trying to hold it together but she clearly cares for the creep.

“I’m a woman, Warren. A woman you wouldn’t be able to handle because you are a sleazebag and not good enough for me. I know your type. I’ve run far, far away from your type. Now take your paws off me and back away.”

There are a few beats of silence.

“They have an opening in twenty minutes.” Sybil’s voice comes on.

I pause the recording there. The tears that filled Sybil’s eyes stream down her cheeks.

“Shit. I am such an idiot,” she says, trying to catch the runaway tears. My heart goes out to her.

“Better you found out now. You’re young and beautiful,” I say to her.

“And I have no right to be a mother,” she answers.

“That isn’t true. You were probably raised with nannies just like I was.”

“That’s why I liked Connor in high school. He was different than the other guys who ran in my circles. My parents wanted me to be in a private high school in Europe, but I insisted on the public school. I just wanted a little bit of normal.”

“I get that. I hated my high school experience. I spent most of my time reading,” I joke and Sybil laughs.

“Warren kept talking about a family. We had to tell him about Syd because he would’ve found out eventually. It was expected of me to have more children to carry on our family legacy,” she explains through tears. I notice a box of tissues on the opposite counter and get up to pass her the box.

“Thanks,” she says, her voice sounding nasally. She blows her nose.

“I love Syd. I know you think I don’t, but I do. I just never knew what to do with her,” she says, and my heart breaks for her.

“I get that. I feel like I only really learned about life and what I wanted after I walked away from my family. I know I haven’t met your family and I am definitely not suggesting you walk away, but don’t marry a man who doesn’t respect you or women in general. What kind of role model would he be for Syd?”

“You’re right.” She shrugs. She looks up to the ceiling. “I’m such an idiot.”

“You aren’t an idiot. You’re whip smart and beautiful. You have a lot going for you.”
