Page 29 of Grumpy Player

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“Thanks, bro.”

The guys all tell me to be in touch and then they all leave. I remain seated because standing isn’t so easy.

With the guys gone, I hear Ellie explaining the meal to Syd. She’s teaching her how to use a measuring cup. It’s adorable. I force myself up out of the recliner and slowly make my way to the kitchen.

Syd is watching Ellie dice potatoes.

“What are you girls up to?” I ask.

Syd turns around and whispers that they are cooking.

“Nice of your friends to drop by,” Ellie says.

“Yeah, it’s been hard having to just stay home all these weeks. I can’t wait to get out and get some fresh air,” I say.

“I can help you with that,” she offers.

“I’m not going out in a wheelchair,” I say to her.

“When you’re ready, let me know.” She shrugs as she places the diced potatoes on an oven sheet.

“How is your nana?” I ask her.

“She’s okay. It’s hard to know because if she isn’t feeling well, she isn’t letting on. She likes to have her hair done and wear makeup. She looks good, but I feel like she is getting too thin,” she says, and her lips turn down.

“I’m sorry,” I say.

“I’m going to play,” Syd announces.

Ellie’s eyes turn round, and they connect with mine. She is clearly excited Syd said something out loud, but she doesn’t make a big deal out of it, which is the way to go. When I spoke to some psychologists about Syd’s situation, they said the least amount of attention on her unwillingness to speak the better.

Syd runs off.

“She spoke in front of me,” Ellie states quietly, and I can tell she is feeling emotional.

“She did. This is good,” I agree. There are silent words being passed between us and they say this woman has grown to really care for my child. The thought does something to my insides.

I clear my throat.

“Do you want to try and sit with Syd and me for dinner tonight?” she asks.

“I’d like that, thanks.” I nod. “I’m going to go and walk around a bit. I would offer help but I need to hold my crutches.”

“No worries. Go ahead. I got this,” she assures as she prepares the steak strips in a pan.

I begin to walk away but I watch her for a beat. She really is special. I’d like to get to know her better.

I walk around the apartment slowly, taking turtle steps. Syd must be off playing in her room. I get tired so I head back to the recliner to rest.

About half an hour later, Ellie calls out for Syd, “Dinner is ready.”

She walks out to the main room.

“She must be in her bedroom.” I shrug.

She heads over to Syd’s room. “She isn’t in here.”

“That’s weird,” I reply.
