Page 30 of Grumpy Player

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“Syd, where are you?” Ellie calls.

I get nervous so I slowly get myself up from the recliner.

Ellie has walked over to my room and the spare empty room.

“Where is she?” she asks, looking nervous.

The only place we haven’t checked is Ellie’s room. I want to say that but Ellie is already headed there.

“Oh no,” she says when she gets to the door. “Syd, I . . .”

It takes me a few beats to catch up to her and her reaction is troubling.

When I reach the door to Ellie’s room, there are two large open bags and art supplies scattered everywhere.

Ellie is standing with her hand covering her mouth, frozen.

“What is all this?” I ask.

Ellie looks to me, and her light eyes get filled with unshed tears. “My art supplies. I’m an artist. I. . .” She’s shaking.

I slowly make my way over to her. “Come, have a seat.” I guide her to the chair beside the desk.

“Did I do something wrong, Daddy?” Syd asks.

It’s Ellie who answers. “No, you didn’t, sweetie.”

Syd watches her carefully.

“I’m an artist. My family didn’t want to support my dream. They said I would never make it as an artist. They pressured me to work in the family business and I wasn’t having it,” she explains.

“So why are you a nanny?” I ask.

“They were right. I couldn’t make it on my own. I’ve sold some paintings, but not enough to really support myself. I’ve had to work at other jobs for minimal pay,” she explains. “I’m sorry I’m so emotional. My art means a lot to me.”

“Hey, I don’t want you to be upset. I just wish I knew you had all this art stuff. We can figure out a place for you to have a space. I want you feeling comfortable here. This is your home now too,” I state. It’s weird I’m telling this woman, who I’ve only known a few weeks, that my home is her home. But after the way she’s taken care of my kid and stepped up when I needed her most, how can I not make this gesture?

She looks up to me, her green eyes tinted red. “You mean that? I mean, I haven’t had a real home in years, and I like working here. I didn’t set out to be a nanny, but taking care of Syd feels so natural. Maybe because I see a lot of myself in her and taking care of you, Connor, has just been a bonus.”

I cock my brow, confused by her statement.

“I mean because of the extra pay,” she clarifies.

Luckily, I didn’t get ahead of myself and confess I liked her hands on my body, especially with Syd in the room.

I blink. “Of course.”

“Syd, come here,” Ellie calls. Syd walks up to her, and Ellie leans forward and picks her up and sets her on her lap. “You’re heavier than you look.”

Syd grins but she seems comfortable and content to be in Ellie’s arms.

“I just want to say I’m not mad at you for going through my bags,” Ellie says.

“You aren’t?” Syd replies and she’s talking to Ellie. Something inside my chest expands.

Ellie’s eyes round for the briefest of moments, and I watch her take a deep breath. “I’m not mad. I mean, it’s not okay to go through someone’s personal stuff but it’s okay, I get that you were curious.”

“I do arts and crafts in school. It’s my favorite. Can I see your art?” Syd asks Ellie.
