Page 31 of Grumpy Player

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I don’t know what’s happening right now, but my daughter trusts this beautiful, kind woman who is caring for her, and I’m here for it.

“Of course,” Ellie says, and she places Syd on her feet and walks over to her suitcase, where she takes out some rolled up sheets of canvas.

The first canvas she unrolls looks like a family of elephants.

“Wow, that’s so cool,” Syd beams.

“Thanks,” Ellie replies. “I like to draw different landscapes. I always wanted to travel around the world and get inspiration from different places. Instead, I watch travel vlogs and get my inspiration from there.”

“I love it,” Syd says, and my kid has stars in her eyes. “I want to paint too. Can you teach me?”

Ellie opens her mouth to say something, but then she looks at me.

“I actually have a really good idea,” I begin and both girls watch me intently. “The spare room isn’t being put to good use. How about we set it up and Ellie can have a space to do her art, and if she doesn’t mind, sometimes, she can give you lessons, Syd,” I suggest, watching Ellie.

Her lower lip quivers. “I could seriously kiss you right now, Connor.”

I clear my throat because that sounds too good.

She blinks. “I mean, wow. That would be amazing, and I would love to teach Syd. I’m obviously not going to kiss you because that would be weird, but this is so kind of you and so amazing.” She bounces and then she shrieks from excitement. She reaches down, lifts Syd in her arms, and she twirls her around. Syd’s sweet laughter fills the room and I try to remember a time when my kid was this carefree and happy. She is always too serious. Then she places Syd on her feet and she huffs out of breath. Her short sweater rises, giving me a small peek of her smooth milky skin.

“Great. I’m going to get a tarp or something ordered to cover the floors and, Ellie, you tell me what you need and I’ll get it set up,” I say.

“Thanks, Connor,” she says, and then she comes up to me and hugs me. I’m caught off guard and then I wince from the pain in my groin. “Sorry.” She takes a step back.

“That’s okay. I’m limited with my movements and I’m holding on to crutches,” I mumble awkwardly, because having her arms around me just messed with my head and my dick. I need to redirect my attention, so I look at my daughter, who is watching Ellie and me curiously. “You need to take a shower now, Sweet Pea.”

“I’ll go help her get ready,” Ellie offers.

“Actually, tonight I’m going to tell Syd what she needs to do to prepare her own things for the shower. That way you can organize all your art supplies,” I say to Ellie.

“Thanks. I can come help you with the bath later,” she offers, and she licks those full pink lips.

I’m so fucked.

“Thanks,” I reply. “Come on, Sweet Pea.”

“Are you feeling better, Daddy?” Syd asks.

“Not a hundred percent, but I’m getting there,” I say to my daughter, who looks up to me with a small grin.

“I’m glad,” she says.

“You need to get a towel and pajamas ready,” I instruct Syd. She walks over to her closet and I hear her mulling around while I head to her bathroom to start the water for her, since I don’t want her making it too hot.

She returns with three pairs of pajamas. “I didn’t know which one I want to wear.”

That makes me smile.

“Daddy?” she says, looking up to me.

“Yes, Sweet Pea,” I reply.

“I really like Ellie. I want her to stay with us forever,” she says.

“Ellie is very nice,” I agree. How am I supposed to answer that kind of comment? I also want her to stay. I want to make her mine. She must be five years older than me, with dreams of travelling the world. I can’t give her the kind of life she seems to want. “Now I’m going to head to my room, and you go hop in the shower. Don’t take too long and make sure to shampoo your hair.”

“Can Ellie brush it out for me after?” Syd asks.
