Page 37 of Grumpy Player

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“There are some throw toys on the couch there.” Nana points. “You can throw and he can fetch.”

“Is that a good idea?” I intervene. “I don’t want something of value to break.”

“Dear child,” Nana says, “do you think I care about any of these materialistic things? I just care that Syd has a good memory when she thinks about me in the future. I can see in your eyes how much you’ve grown to care for her.”

“Thanks, Nana,” I say. “Go ahead, Syd.”

She runs to the couch. Teddy runs after her.

I take a seat across from Nana. When she makes comments like that, I am reminded of our limited time together and my stomach sinks.

“How are things going?” she asks.

“Good,” I say.

“I can tell something is troubling you. Spill it,” she says.

I laugh. “How can you tell? I’ve never understood.”

“I just know you well,” Nana says.

“I can’t talk about it now,” I explain.

“Okay,” she agrees. Instead, she tells me about my great-grandmother and what it was like growing up in Italy before she and Nonno decided to leave. She’s been doing that a lot lately, telling me about her family history. Maybe so I can pass on to my own child one day the history of where my family came from.

Nora walks up to us. “Are you guys ready for some baking?”

“Can Teddy make cookies too?” Syd asks.

We all laugh at Syd’s cuteness.

“Teddy can’t actually eat chocolate because chocolate is poison for dogs, but he can run between our feet when we are making them,” Nora offers with a kind smile as she also leans forward to address Syd at her height.

“Okay,” Syd says and my heart bursts that she feels comfortable here too.

“Syd, is it okay if I speak with Nana a little longer? I’ll come in a bit to help with the cookies,” I say.

“Yeah,” she answers loud enough for everyone to hear.

I can’t wait to get home to tell Connor about this.

The minute I think the thought I am feeling off-kilter. I thought of their home as mine. Connor did say he wanted me to feel at home, but I didn’t realize how much I truly do until now.

Nora offers Syd a hand and she takes it. When they are out of earshot, I explain to Nana the situation with Syd’s mom and how she is coming to town. I tell her that Connor wants me to chaperone the visit, and she asks me for Sybil’s family name which I remember Connor mentioning was Oakes. Nana knows the name right away.

“They’re a powerful family, Ellie,” she says warily.

“That’s why I need you to recommend a good attorney. Connor is a good man and an amazing father. He can’t lose custody. Sybil doesn’t care about her. What kind of life will Syd have with her? She hasn’t seen her in a year. She barely calls her, and when she does call Syd doesn’t speak,” I rant.

“You’ve come to care for Connor too,” Nana notes, then she takes a sip of her tea and watches me with her wise dark eyes.

“Yes,” I sigh. “I want him, but it’s complicated because of Syd.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” Nana adds.

“Connor is intense. He’s all about Syd’s happiness and I get it,” I say.

“But that little girl adores you. Anyone can see that,” Nana points out.
