Page 38 of Grumpy Player

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“I really adore her too. I can’t think of her mother whisking her away. From what Connor has said, she’s never had an interest in being her mom.”

“And now because of the fiancé she is causing trouble,” Nana says.

I nod.

“I’m going to tell Nora to give you Harry Greenspan’s phone number. He’s the best attorney this city has. I also want security tracking you on that visit. I don’t know if Sybil has any plans up her sleeve, but I will not have my favorite granddaughter in any kind of harm’s way.”

I want to, once again, remind Nana I am her only granddaughter, but I figure it’s something she just likes to say.

“Okay, Nana,” I concede. “I should probably tell Connor we are going to be followed.”

“You can but you don’t have to,” Nana replies. “He would never find out.”

“I need to be open with him. The lies and secrets in my family were never healthy. I don’t want to keep this a secret,” I explain.

“So, you really like this man.” Nana smiles triumphantly.

“Nana,” I whine like I’m twelve.

“Ellie, I just want to see you happy. See you settled. I appreciate that art is your passion, but we can have other passions in life too. Is this hockey player a looker?” she giggles.

“Oh, Nana he is so good-looking,” I swoon.

She giggles too, her shoulders shaking with the movement.

I take in her laughter, trying to store it to memory. She said she would like to see me married and I wish I could give her this last request.

“You should go to the kitchen and bake with Syd.” She yawns. “I’m feeling tired.”

“Okay, Nana.” I get up and hug her, feeling her frail bones in my grasp makes my heart splinter.

She blinks and nods, and I walk off to the kitchen where I find Syd wearing an apron that says World’s Best Baker.

“That is adorable,” I say to her.

“I went online a couple days ago, and had it delivered,” Anna says. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

Nora grins.

“Can I help out?” I ask.

“You can measure out the chocolate chips,” Anna suggests. “We need a cup.”

Syd has her hands in a large bowl of batter.

“Are you having fun, Syd?” I ask.

“This is the best and Teddy is watching me.” She smiles.

I look down to see the cute little guy sitting on the other side of the counter.

We finish the batter and roll it into small little balls before flattening it.

Syd is so happy. Nora and Anna can’t help but dote on her.

“How is Nana?” I ask Nora.

“She’s a tough lady. You know your nana. She may not have wanted to use medicine, but she’s a fighter.”

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