Page 43 of Grumpy Player

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“You don’t know her the way I do, Ellie.”

“I don’t, that’s true.”

Connor looks deep in thought so I ask, “What else is troubling you?”

“Syd.” One word that carries more meaning than anything else. “She loves you, Ellie. If we tell her we’re getting married, she’ll be excited. She may even consider you to be her mother. How will that affect my daughter down the road?”

I sigh. “I love Syd. She reminds me of myself as a little girl in so many ways. Even Nana’s house staff saw the special connection we have after only one meeting. I want to be here to support her and protect her. If Sybil is even half as bad as what you’re saying, then I’ll do anything to stop her. I come from a family who tried to control me all my life. My parents were too busy to parent, and I was raised by nannies. Some of them didn’t give a shit about what happened to us. It was a lonely existence. If that’s how Sybil plans to raise Syd, I won’t have it either, Connor. I won’t have Syd growing up with no love. It’s a tragedy.”

His lips curl into the slightest smile. “I could kiss the hell out of you for saying that. It’s why I left with Syd in the first place.”

“But let me guess, that’s an empty threat,” I challenge twisting my lips.

Connor exhales, his shoulder’s sagging. “There’s one reason I want to and a million I shouldn’t.”

I take a deep breath. “Are we doing this then?”

“We are. I need to get you a ring. Did you want to go ring shopping or should I surprise you?” he asks.

“Surprise me.”

“How did I know you were going to choose that option?” he chuckles.

“You’re getting to know me.” I shrug.

“It’s a deal then. I propose. We tell Syd you and I are together. She can’t think anything else because we need Sybil to believe us.”

“That is the plan then,” I agree.

He extends his hand. I shake it. His touch makes me warm inside. His nostrils flare and his eyes lock on mine.

I giggle. “Nana is going to be so happy.”

Connor grins. “Let’s hope this whole situation works and we don’t crash and burn.”



I’m in my new art room, painting for the very first time. Where I usually like to paint landscapes and animals, my inspiration has taken me to a new place. I’m painting Syd with Teddy. I want to gift her the painting, hoping she will want to put it up on the wall in her room. This room has become my peaceful haven in only a few days. The windows are large and the lighting is amazing. It’s one of the only places that makes me feel calm after the crazy decision Connor and I made to get hitched. I can’t even tell anyone because it all needs to seem real. The crazy thing is, I am attracted to Connor. To his kindness, to his good looks, to the way he is with Syd, but it doesn’t mean we would work in a relationship. Hell, we’ve only shared half a kiss and here I am tying myself to this wonderful man and his adorable daughter.

I’m sketching the finishing touches with a pencil when Connor appears at the door.

“Hi,” he greets me.

“Hi, yourself,” I reply. I’ve got my hair up in a messy bun and I’m wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top. I changed after I took Syd to the bus since I wanted to feel comfortable and free while painting.

“I got something for you,” he says, and he takes a few steps into the room.

He’s wearing a navy-blue Nike training outfit and he looks too good.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” He smirks, and he walks even closer, to the point I can smell the light cologne he wears. “I would get down on one knee but I still physically can’t bend that way.”

“I understand,” I reply, and my stomach begins to do flips. This is happening. At almost thirty years old, I am getting engaged to a man I don’t love but could probably easily fall in love with. Wait. How old is Connor? Shouldn’t I know this? I begin to panic and let out a heavy breath.

“I know we don’t know each other very well. I’d like to get to know you better,” he says.
