Page 58 of Grumpy Player

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“Do you think Sydney would prefer the zoo?” she asks.

“I think she would like the zoo, but I think she’ll be happy with the carriage ride too,” I reply. How does this woman know nothing about her daughter?

“Excuse me, I have a call I need to take,” Warren says, and he walks away.

Sybil looks at me behind a large pair of thick, black-framed sunglasses. “I’ve never seen Sydney get along with a nanny so well. She usually doesn’t like anyone we’ve hired.”

I shrug. “Not sure what to say. We hit it off from the start.”

She nods.

“I want to take Sydney back to Canada. I’m getting married next month and she should live with Warren and me,” she says. I wince at the thought of that man getting near Syd. “Could you put in a good word with Connor about how today went? I mean, it would be good for him not to have to worry about her. Once the season starts up again, he’ll be busy and I’d love to take you along with us. I’d make it worth your while.” What is it with rich people thinking they can do and say whatever they want?

“I’ll do no such thing,” I reply.

Sybil removes her glasses and watches me with ice-filled blue eyes.

“You really haven’t made much of an effort with your daughter today. She isn’t even speaking to you. If you’ve noticed. I have no reason to give Connor a good report on today.”

“Well, maybe you should take a walk and let her ride alone on the carriage with Warren and me. Give her a chance to bond,” Sybil says.

“I promised Connor I would stay with her. Besides, she isn’t comfortable. Anyone with eyes can see that,” I say.

“You have real nerve for a nanny,” she says.

“I care about Syd,” I bite back. “She actually prefers for people to call her Syd. Is there a reason you keep calling her by her full name?”

Her mouth drops open like I have some audacity. “It’s proper and that’s her name. Nicknames are childish. Connor is a hockey player. He’s a rough guy and he’s raising her wrong. Look at how she is dressed. She should be wearing a proper outfit.”

I want to vomit from this woman’s words. She reminds me of my own mother. My family’s stupid messed-up values.

“Syd is being raised with warmth and love. She is allowed to be a kid. Not some sculpture in a museum that is there to look at but not engage,” I reply.

Sybil watches me carefully.

“It’s our turn, Syd,” she says, calling her daughter back from the fence.

Syd runs up to me and takes my hand and Sybil snubs me.

We all get on the carriage and the whole time no one says a word.



I’m losing my mind with worry as I wait for Syd and Ellie to return, but it’s only been an hour since they left and I don’t know what to do with myself. My mind keeps wandering to worst-case scenarios. I try to keep a positive outlook, knowing Ellie’s Nana has a security detail following them, but I’m still all wound up. Syd was nervous this morning and it makes me feel sick. It reminds me of when she was a little baby and she would smile up to her mama with her bright-blue eyes, and Sybil didn’t return the love my baby girl radiated. It’s what has made me fiercely protective of my daughter.

A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts. I slowly make my way toward the door.

“Patty?” I say.

Patty gives me a curious look. “You have your appointment at the hospital.”

“Oh shit.” I squeeze my eyes shut and run my hands through my hair. “Sorry, I totally forgot. I should’ve cancelled.”

“You aren’t cancelling. The team has you scheduled for an MRI. This is kind of important, Connor.”

“My ex is in town. Syd and Ellie are out with her. I’ve been worrying about this meeting all week. I forgot I asked you to pick me up,” I explain.
