Page 69 of Grumpy Player

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Connor pauses with wide eyes. “You already had pasta today? Why didn’t you say something before?” he asks Syd.

“Because I love pasta,” she replies with a sweet smile, looking up to him.

“I’m sorry. I can make something else,” he offers.

“This is perfect,” I assure. “I’ll set the table.”

“I’ll help,” Syd offers and she follows me.

“Thanks.” I grab plates and pass her the cutlery to carry to the table. We set up the kitchen table.

“Did I hear that right?” Connor comes up behind me. I jump, not expecting him.

“What?” I whisper back.

“Your grandma offered to send a hit on Warren?” He looks serious.

I bite on my lip a moment, wanting to drag out his crazy insinuation. “OMG, she was joking, Connor.” I brush my hand along his shoulder, but on the way I feel his muscles. The sheer strength of his body. “Serves you right for eavesdropping. She was pissed about Warren hitting on me. She saw the pictures.”

“Good, she has them,” Connor says.

“It is,” I agree. “Warren knows my older brother, Dante. He might realize who I am.”

“I don’t care what Warren thinks,” Connor replies.

“But Sybil is clearly trying to throw the weight of her money around.”

“My attorney said, if push comes to shove, there are methods we can use in court to prove Sybil isn’t stable,” he whispers since Syd has run off to her room to get her stuffed bear.

“She isn’t,” I agree.

“I know, but I didn’t want to take that route. I was hoping to wrap things up in a neater way,” he relays because he’s a nice guy.

“Warren can’t be around Syd. He’s a douchebag. I don’t trust him.” My voice quivers, giving away my nerves on the issue.

Connor’s brows knit together. “He isn’t getting near Syd.”

I’m shaking though and as I place a fork on the table, he sees it.

He takes my hand and it steadies. “Is there something else going on?”

“We should eat dinner. Syd must be starving and I am too,” I reply.

He watches me carefully and then drops my hand. “Okay.”

He goes to get the food. He’s made a delicious sauce filled with all kinds of vegetables and sliced pieces of chicken breast. He also brings a bowl of pasta to the table.

I grab a pitcher of water. Connor calls Syd and we all take a seat.

Before we start eating, Connor says. “You girls are really important to me. If something is bothering you, you let me know.”

Syd smiles up to him and says, “Okay, Daddy. I’m happy we can eat together again.”

“I am too, Sweet Pea.” He smiles back.

“Ellie, that goes for you too,” he says, throwing me off.

My throat feels all choked up and I have to swallow past it. “Thanks.”
