Page 81 of Grumpy Player

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It’s becoming harder and harder to resist Ellie in moments like this, everything feels so natural between the three of us. Like we were always meant to be together.

“Connor, I have something to tell you. Is it okay if we have a word in the kitchen?” Ellie asks and her tone turns serious, which puts me on edge.

“Of course,” I reply then look at Syd. “Would you mind giving the adults a minute?”

“Okay, Daddy,” Syd concedes, but she doesn’t sound too pleased as her chin drops and she pouts.

I follow Ellie to the kitchen, my gaze dropping to her fine ass swaying in those jeans. All I can think about is having the freedom to kiss the hell out of her in the kitchen. Take her on the countertop.

“What’s going on?” I ask, trying to bury my dirty thoughts.

“I got a call from my brother today. I haven’t spoken to him in five years and I thought it was odd,” she begins. “He had a message for me from Warren Carrington.”

“What the fuck?” I hiss.

“My brother knows Warren from boarding school and he called to ask for a favor. Warren realized I was an Albizzi. When we left the restaurant one of the workers called me by my last name, and I didn’t think Sybil or Warren caught on, but he did. He asked my brother to ask me to back away from Sybil and not give her such a hard time. Both their families are banking on the wedding happening. There is some business deal involved. Even though I kind of got the impression that Sybil really likes him. It seems like she may be more invested in them working out than he is.”

I swipe a hand over my mouth. “Why does this not surprise me. Sybil’s family thinks they can throw their weight around and do as they please. If Sybil does have the hots for Warren, then it may explain why she is suddenly wanting to act like a doting mother. Maybe she thinks Warren wants a family or maybe he told her so. Surprised Sybil would really put her heart on the line though. She’s always been very selfish.”

“The heart wants what it wants. Even a selfish person can find someone who will capture their heart,” Ellie says.

She isn’t wrong about the whole heart thing. Mine has been giving me weird messages lately too.

“This is making a whole lot of sense now. When Sybil found out she was pregnant, her parents wanted her to give the baby up for adoption. They tried to buy me off,” I confess. I’ve never told anyone that story. Not even my parents before they died. “She never wanted Syd. Even now, her intentions weren’t genuine. You saw how she was acting. She only cared about her own feelings.”

“I saw and I couldn’t believe it myself after spending the day with her. She isn’t very aware of what Syd needs,” I agree. “But that doesn’t mean she’ll back away from this whole custody dispute.”

“That’s true. I’ll call the attorney tomorrow. Update him on these events.”

“I’m thinking it isn’t such a bad thing that they know who I am. They know my family has money. That they can’t bully us,” she says, having the best of intentions. Her fierce protection of Syd isn’t the only reason I keep wanting to kiss the hell out of her.

“They know you’re estranged from your family and working for me on a nanny salary,” I say dryly. “They’re assholes either way, and I don’t care what they think. They aren’t going to bully either of us. What did you say to your brother?”

“I told him to go to hell. Sybil isn’t good for Syd. I’m not helping her with shit. I think our best bet is to give the photos of Warren feeling me up to the lawyer. Let him deal with them that way,” Ellie encourages.

“Or we get married and go to court. Fight it out clean,” I suggest.

“That could work too. I’d just hate to see Syd brought into court and dragged through all kinds of meetings with social workers,” she says. “I may watch too many movies but they must have some truth.”

“You’re right,” I sigh. “Thanks for being open with me.”

“I’ll always be open with you, Connor, no matter what,” she replies.

Her words ease something inside me that has been wound tight and twisted so deep I didn’t realize how much it bothered me. “You have no idea how refreshing that is. Sybil was all about secrets. I couldn’t trust her. She’d lie at every turn. All I wanted was to keep my baby happy, and she was just so manipulative.”

“Not everyone is like that,” Ellie says, reaching out and touching my shoulder. Her small touch causes a chemical reaction in my body that notifies my cock just how much he wants her.

“I’m starting to see that. You may come from that world but you’re proof that money doesn’t need to corrupt your values. You’re a good person, Ellie.”

“Thanks.” She grins. “Now we have a hockey game to attend and tonight you’re my teacher.” She winks and saunters away. “Syd, ready to go?” she calls out with a bounce in her step.

This woman truly amazes me. Her life has been tough. She was living on minimal funds and only getting by because she didn’t want anything to do with her corrupt world. She seems too good to be true, and that scares me.

We head out. I drive us to the arena, and we park in my spot close to the door and head inside. The arena is packed tonight for the playoff game.

We go to take our seats and Syd runs over to Crew.

Skylar stands and gives both Ellie and me a hug.
