Page 83 of Grumpy Player

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“I was thinking of asking Connor if she could be our flower girl. Crew just loves her so much, I was hoping she could be part of the ceremony,” Skylar says.

“Ooh, Syd would love that. I’ll mention it to Connor,” I reply.

We both order drinks and popcorn and head back inside for period two.

I take the seat beside Connor and pass him popcorn. The puck drops and Connor explains how each of the players at puck drop want to ensure the puck makes it to the opposite end of the rink so they can get as close to the opponent’s net as possible to score a goal.

“Goalies have it hard in that sense. We have a lot riding on the line if we miss a shot,” he says.

“I never realized how charged hockey was, and look how fast those players are skating. It’s kind of hot seeing men fighting like that on the ice,” I confess.

I look over and grin and I like what I see when his nostrils flare. “You telling me that you think those other players are hot?” he asks, whispering into my ear.

“I’m thinking of how hot you would look in that getup protecting the net. That is kind of badass,” I say.

He growls.

I laugh. “What was that for?”

“You seriously drive me crazy,” he groans.

“I’m hoping in a good way.”

We are whispering and I hope Sky isn’t paying attention. I know the kids are too caught up in the game and eating popcorn.

“You know it’s in a good way. I keep telling myself not to want you, but my body has other plans.” His blue eyes shine with mischief.

“I’d really like to hear about those plans,” I offer. “Watching the game has me all hot and bothered.”

His jaw turns taut. “Watch the game, Ellie, or else you’ll be getting a tour of the locker room before the period ends.”

I press my thighs together. That is the hottest thing someone has ever said to me. “I’ll take the tour happily.”

He blinks and squeezes his eyes shut, when he opens them, they look icy clear. “Skylar, would you mind keeping an eye on Syd? I’d like to give Ellie a tour of the arena,” Connor says.

Skylar is holding back a smile when she replies, “Sure, you would. Go ahead, you two.”

I laugh. “Thanks, Sky.”

Connor takes me by the hand. He doesn’t look pleased as we leave the team box and head to an elevator.

“You seem awfully grumpy about giving me a tour,” I giggle, trying to keep a straight face.

“I’m grumpy because I can’t seem to keep my hands off you. I’m grumpy because you look sexier than hell in my jersey, and all I can think about is coming inside you while you’re wearing my jersey.”

“You like marking me,” I joke.

“This isn’t funny, Ellie.”

I lick my lips.

He growls.

Then he is closing the space between us and he crashes his lips to mine. There is nothing gentle about the way he kisses me, forcing his tongue inside my mouth. His palm caresses my cheek as his other hand comes up and holds my head. His tongue is hungry as it swipes against mine. Heat bolts like lightning through my body, warming me to my core.

He backs me against the wall and presses his groin into me, and I feel how hard he is. It makes me so wet I moan as he grinds against me.

“I was hoping to see the locker room,” I say, breaking the kiss.
