Page 55 of Behold Her

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“There is no universe in which they’d hate you. Even if you barfed on their doorstep from nerves or set the house on fire accidentally, they’d be cool about it. Plus, you brought them wine, so they’re guaranteed to love you.”

She clutches the bottle and frowns down at it. “Hopefully it’s good. Grace recommended it.”

“It’s perfect. And so are you.” I lean across the console and grab the back of her neck to guide her lips to mine. She sighs into the kiss and I can’t resist sliding a hand up her thigh to toy with the hem of her dress, letting my fingers dip under the fabric to caress her bare skin.

“Max.” She sighs my name and her lips part just enough for me to slip my tongue inside to taste her. Fuck, I love kissing her. She follows my lead, deepening the kiss as I slide my hand further up her thigh until my fingers meet the thin fabric of her panties.

*tap tap tap*

Three raps on the driver’s window startle us apart. Mona shoves her skirt down, a deep flush coloring her cheeks as we both look up to see my sister, Samantha, smirking at us. I squeeze Mona’s thigh before opening my door and get out to greet her with a frown.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I figured you wouldn’t want Dad to see you fingering your new girlfriend in broad daylight.” Samantha’s violet eyes sparkle with glee that only intensifies as I glare at her. Dad holds up a hand in greeting as he opens the front door, so I save my biting retort for later.

I hurry over to the passenger door and offer a hand to Mona, and the look of sheer embarrassment on her face makes me feel horrible for getting swept up in the kiss. She stumbles slightly as she gets out of the car, and I hold her steady, leaning over to whisper in her ear. “Thank you for doing this. I’ll show you just how grateful I am later.” I emphasize my point with a surreptitious squeeze of her ass. She inhales sharply at my touch and steps away to smooth out her skirt and smile as Dad and Samantha approach.

I step forward to greet my dad, but he moves right past me, his arms outstretched. “This must be Mona!” Before I can stop him, he’s pulled her into a hug. Dad is ganglier than I am, but he still looks like he might crush her with the intensity of the embrace.

“Dad, don’t squeeze her to death.”

He steps back with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, just so excited to meet you. Forgive my enthusiasm. I’m Shane. Max’s dad, in case our shared roguish good looks didn’t make that clear.” He extends his hand forward this time, and Mona clasps it with a sweet smile.

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Shane.” She turns to look over at Samantha, who has one hip cocked to the side and a wolfish grin on her face as she pushes a lock of platinum hair behind her ear.

I place a protective hand on Mona’s lower back. “Mona, this is my sister, Samantha. Samantha, this is my girlfriend, Mona.”

Samantha takes a step forward, and I brace myself for what she might say. Mona reaches her hand out for a handshake, but Samantha takes a knee and sweeps it up to her lips, kissing it like some kind of knight courting a lady. “What a pleasure to meet you, Mona.”

Mona blinks down at her, her cheeks growing darker. “Nice to meet you.”

I reach over and smack Samantha on the shoulder. “Stop being so weird and get up.”

“Play nice! We have a guest.” Dad shakes his head at me, like I’m the one acting inappropriate.

Samantha has the audacity to kiss Mona’s hand again before standing with a flourish and a wink. “See you inside!” She scurries away before I can tell her off.

“Your sister seems…nice?” Mona sounds bemused as I lead her inside, following my dad, who keeps turning back over at his shoulder to grin at the two of us like a psycho.

Maybe bringing Mona here was a bad idea.

* * *

“So Mona,what do you do for fun?” Mom leans down to hand Mona a glass of wine before taking a seat on the couch next to Dad. Her top is so low cut that she almost flashes Mona as she bends over, and I groan internally at my mom’s outfit choice. Couldn’t she have at least tried to be a little less succubus-y? Mona’s eyes stay locked on Mom’s face as she thanks her, but I can tell the face full of my mom’s boobs flustered her.

“Other than Max,” Maggie whispers to Claire and Samantha, who erupt in giggles as my cheeks heat and I dart a murderous glare their way. I tighten my grip on Mona’s hand and she squeezes back in reassurance that she’s not upset.

“Hmmm, well…like you said, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Max. Outside of that, I like to dance—I’m actually in a class right now and getting ready for a performance in a few weeks. I also enjoy playing board games and D&D. It would be safe to call me a geek.” She laughs at herself, but there’s no sign of self-deprecation.

Claire perks up. “I’ve run a campaign for us since we were teens! That’s awesome that you’re into D&D. We’ll have to do a one-shot sometime—maybe you can help convince Max to play with us.”

“Yeah, he’s still salty about the time we let him play and his character died in the first fight.”

“More like Samantha killed him,” I grumble.

Samantha rolls her eyes at me. “It wasn’t on purpose! It’s not my fault you were standing in the way of my fireball.”

“You could literally have moved the center of the blast over a bit and avoided hitting me!” I say, my blood threatening to boil until I hear Mona’s warm peal of laughter.

“I’d love to play with you. As long as you let me be a cleric to revive Max’s character when the inevitable fratricide occurs.”
