Page 16 of Protective Player

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“Sorry, Mr. Davis.”

Dawson takes my hand and walks me down the tunnel. I’ll be lying if I say that I hate him rushing into the rescue like that. I don’t totally hate it. I know it goes against my feminist ideals, but seeing him willing to beat somebody who offended me… it’s kind of hot. Okay, it’s really hot and I find something pool low in my belly.

“Ready for dinner?” he asks.

Truthfully, I’m ready for a lot more than that. But I’m not going to tell him that since I’m sure it’s all the adrenaline and endorphins of almost having some large, drunk man beat me senseless just because his team lost.

“I am,” I say simply and offer him a warm smile.



“You played great tonight,” Devon says.

“It helped to have a good luck penny up in the stands.”

“I’m sure you do that every night.”

I laugh. “Not this season. Tonight just felt… different.”

I pull to a stop in the parking lot and turn off the engine. I’m not lying. Tonight really did feel different. I’m not going to say I tried harder—I give it my all on every shift on the ice—but there was a different energy inside of me knowing that Devon was in the arena. It’s strange and I can’t explain it, but it just felt like everything was clicking tonight.

“Well, I’m glad it all worked out and that you guys won.”

“I mean, you realize you’re going to have to come to every game now. You’re obviously my lucky penny.”

She laughs and even in the dim lighting in the cab, blush rises on her cheeks. A soft rain comes out of nowhere and starts to fall, the raindrops tapping on the roof of my SUV with a pleasant, almost musical sound to it. We sit in silence for a couple of moments, the air in the cab suddenly feeling tense, awkward, and charged with a sense of anticipation. Devon turns to me and smiles.

“Thank you for tonight. Dinner was incredible and I had an amazing time.”

“You’re very welcome.”

“And thank you for putting that guy back at the arena in his place,” she says. “If I’m being honest, I was a little scared.”

“Yeah, well, security should have been there to do their jobs. I’m sorry things even escalated to that point. That’s a memory I’d rather you didn’t have.”

“Don’t worry, tonight was too fun and too special to let that douchebag ruin it. I'll keep nothing but the good memories of tonight."

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

My eyes travel the length of her body, starting at the shapely, milky white thighs that disappear under the dark skirt then up to the swell of her full, round breasts straining against the fabric of the shirt she bought at the team store. This vision stiffens my dick into a crowbar. I want her in ways I’ve never wanted anybody before.

Leaning forward, I slip my hand around the back of her neck and pull Devon to me. The second our lips meet, I feel that same powerful burst of electricity I felt the first time we kissed. Her lips part and I slide my tongue into her mouth, swirling it around hers. Air rushes from my lungs, my nerves strung tight and my manhood begging to be set free.

Devon leans into my kiss, a small groan of passion escaping her mouth as her tongue rolls languidly around mine. The sound goes straight to my veins. I slide my hand up her side and feel her stiffen when I cup her breast and give it a gentle squeeze. I wait for her to pull away or smack my hand, but she doesn’t. Instead, she melts into me. Her breast is full and soft and feels like it’s made just for my hand. I slowly pull back and look into her eyes, which blaze with heat.

“Come here, Devon.”

We slip into the back seat of my Navigator. The windows are blacked out, so we don’t have to worry about anybody seeing us. With the rain still drumming on the roof above us, I pull Devon onto my lap and pull her down into another kiss. I can’t get enough of how sweet she tastes.

As she whimpers into my mouth, I slide my hands down her back, trailing my fingers over her ass before slipping them beneath the hem of her skirt and along her soft, cotton panties.

Gripping her ass, I pull Devon forward and move my hips, sliding the length of my rigid cock along the sweet cleft between her thighs. Devon gasps and looks down at me, her eyes wide, biting her bottom lip. She’s trembling but as she rolls her hips, rubbing her slit against my stiff rod, her face flushes, and her eyes fill with a wanton desire that only gets me harder. I lean forward and kiss her neck, nipping at her skin with my teeth.

Devon’s movements get faster, and she grips my shoulders, digging her fingernails into me as she rubs herself against me. She rises and falls in my lap, grinding herself against me, her moans growing louder than the drumbeat of rain on the roof above us. Then all at once, Devon stiffens, and she throws her head back.

A long, shuddering groan fills the air, and she shakes wildly on top of me. She looks at me with an expression of surprise on her face, almost like she doesn’t know what just happened and I suddenly know that’s the first orgasm she’s had that she didn’t give herself. God, her innocent turns me into an animal.
