Page 101 of Obliterate

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She lets out a heavy exhale. “Please be careful. I need youallto come home.”

“The only people dying today, baby, are the Bratva.”

Tears flood her eyes, her bottom lip quivering as she rests her forehead against mine. “God, I hope you’re right.”

“You should know by now, angel… I amalwaysright.”

She lets out a small laugh, tugging on my hair. “You’re full of shit, is what you are.”

Smiling at her sass, I lean in, pressing my lips softly to hers, just needing to taste her. She opens her mouth, allowing our tongues to intertwine delicately. It’s not passionate or desperate like it normally is. This is sweet, full of love and devotion.

The promise of tomorrow.

Slowly, I pull back, looking into her glistening eyes. “I love you, Ingrid. I’m coming home to you.I swear it.”

She licks her lips and nods. “You better… I’ll tell you I love you when you return to me.”

I chuckle with a smile. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“You better go. They’re leaving without you,” she says, glancing past me. I follow her line of sight, seeing my brothers all walking out.

Sighing, I kiss her one last time, just in case itisthe last time. Regretfully, I pull back. She pants breathlessly as I groan, letting her go, but step back. “You better be ready for me when I get back because fuck, I’m gonna make a meal out of you.”

She snorts out a giggle as I wink at her, then I turn, jogging to catch up with my brothers.

We make our way to the ammunition containers outside in the soundproof shed. We all stock up, strapping multiple guns to our bodies and enough ammo rounds to hopefully finish the job. I even grab a knife and strap it to my ankle.

Just in case.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious about this fight.

The Bratva are a worthy adversary. Sure, they don’t know we’re coming, but they do know that at some point, we will, so they will be ready in some form or another. They know we go tit-for-tat. They came at us hard and will be waiting for us to return fire.

It’s guerilla warfare, but we’re the small forces this time.

So we have to play this smarter.

We all lock and load, grabbing everything we can, then make our way to our bikes. The journey to the Bratva camp is longer than I would like. I’m restless and need to get this underway. There are a lot of cards on the table in this game, and not everyone is showing their hand.

It makes this a volatile fight when there are multiple moves at stake.

My mind is flashing, racing over all the possible scenarios that could happen as we ride in formation.

Houston and NOLA—side by side.

An alliance that has seen the test of time for as long as the clubs have been formed. I think it is safe to say every NOLA brother is thinking about how this will go down and whether it will go down smoothly without consequences.

But we must focus on our priority—Anton and the Bratva.

We have to make sure they are taken care of first and foremost.

Eventually, we ride to the long path that is the camp entrance, where we pull up our rides, jump off, and hide behind the bushes. Hurricane and Six stand at the front of us as we gather.

“Okay, Texas, Slick, and Hoodoo have already gone around the back way to deal with the women and children. We just have to wait for their signal to let us know they’re all clear, and then we can start our assault,” Six instructs.

“What’s the signal?” I ask.

Raid pulls out his small handheld device, typing in something. “Neon and I plugged a code into the security cameras, so they’re on a loop. The Bratva inside the compound won’t know their people are being taken. Hoodoo has a silencer on his gun to take out the guards inside. Once they’ve started their part, Hoodoo will ping me, activating the camera attached to his cut so I can see what’s happening on their end. We’ll be able to watch them taking the children out, and then we can move in safely.”
