Page 100 of Obliterate

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“Fuck! We’re strugglin’ to keep our numbers at a minimum ’cause we keep losin’ men to this fuckin’ war. It has to stop.”

“That’s why we’re here to help, Hurricane. Wewillend this and get your club back on track,” Six states.

Hurricane rubs the back of his neck like the guilt is eating him alive. “We know the Bratva have upped their forces, so numbers are gonna be tight.”

Six cranes his neck to the side. “We’re Defiance, Hurricane. Your club has helped us more times than I can count. Of course, we’re gonna come down to bail you out of this shit hole, especially after what they did to your women. There wasno waywe weren’t stepping in to help.”

“Appreciate that more than you know. All right, we’re gonna take a few moments to get everyone settled, then we’re gonna run through the plan. Church in five,” Hurricane instructs, and everyone nods.

The brothers all move about greeting each other, but I turn, facing Ingrid, and pull her to me. “You know, when this is all over, and you’ve had your surgery, I’m gonna take you to LA. Show you around my hometown.”

She smiles wide, her arms wrapping around my neck. “I’d love that. I want to know everything there is to know about you, Romeo North.”

I lean in, pressing my lips to hers briefly. “I’m so fucking lucky. I want you to know that I know that.”

She snorts out a laugh. “Shut up! Go take out those Bratva bastards, then come back and fuck me like you mean it.”

I raise my brow with a grin. “Oh, angel, I plan on it.” I wink, slap her on the ass, then turn and head for the Chapel. The massive amount of brothers walk in with me, and I take my seat at the end of the table.

The NOLA brothers are seated first. Six and Zero take a chair beside Hurricane, with the rest of Houston lining up against the wall. I’ve never seen the Chapel so crowded.

Hurricane sits back in his chair, looking comfortable as he bangs his gavel. “First of all, I want to thank Houston for comin’ to our aid. We owe you a debt.”

“Don’t even think about it. You’d do the same for us, brother,” Six replies.

Hurricane rubs at his chin, then clears his throat. “All right, I’ve been conferrin’ with Neon and Raid about how best to go about this. Obviously, we need to hit the Bratva where they least expect it. We hit them once at their camp. They don’t expect us to hit there again because of the way we backed out last time … so, I think the only thing we can do is… hit them there again.”

“What about the women and children?” Bayou asks. “They may do that shit, Hurricane, but wedon’t.”

Hurricane signals to Raid and Neon on my left. Raid spins his laptop around so we can all see, but Neon is the one to explain. “We’ve been researching the Bratva camp, hacking into their security feeds and how they run things there, and we have good intel. We know during the day, the women and children go into the warehouse at the end of the camp to run the school while the men do whatever they do. If we can verify that the men are there when we want to attack… during daylight hours… we can guarantee the women and children should be in the warehouse, with only a couple of guards watching them.”

Kevlar is the first to speak, “So you’re saying we go in and stay away from the warehouse when we attack, or do you have another plan for the warehouse?”

Raid spins his laptop, typing something into it, then spins it back to show us what looks like a schematic camp layout. “This is the blueprint of the base. It shows where the fences are and the flaws in their security systems. Neon and I can hack into their security feeds, putting them on a continual loop while some of you break through the fencing, get into the warehouse, and remove the women and children after taking out the minimal guards.”

Texas nods. “Sounds easy enough. I’m down for that. Slick, back me up?”

Slick cracks his knuckles. “Fuck, yeah. You tell us how to break in. We’ll get those women and kids out before the fighting even starts.”

“I’ll be there to help in case any of the kids get hurt in the process,” Hoodoo states.

Hurricane dips his chin. “Good… good. We don’t wanna stoop to their level. Hurtin’ women and children is not part of the plan. Our only goal is to take out the Bratva men.Allof them.Noexceptions. We can’t have them rebuildin’ once this is done.”

Six steps forward to stand next to Hurricane. “We move as a team, united as a club. We’ve fought together side by side many times. We’ve lost brothers together. We’ve won wars together. We can winthis wartogether too.” He rests his hand on Hurricane’s shoulder. Hurricane’s eye twitches, obvious guilt flowing through him at the knife we’re stabbing into Six’s back.

Hurricane dips his head. “Together.That’show we win. The Bratva are goin’ down. Defiance will run the streets of New Awlins again. We get the kids out, then we attack. Raid, Neon, are the Bratva at the camp now?”

Raid spins his laptop, typing frantically. He hacks into their feed and tilts his head. “They’re there, and the children are in the warehouse as expected. If we want to go, now would be the optimum time.”

Silence falls over the Chapel, and everyone looks around at each other. But it is Six who steps forward first. “It’s time to get New Orleans back. Let’s go annihilate these Bratva bastards!”

The rest of the room erupts into a round of cheering. We bang our fists on the table as Hurricane nods his head and bangs his gavel on the table. “Let’s ride!”

We all stand, rushing for the main room, the Houston brothers, except for Zero, heading straight for their rides. The rest of us head for our loved ones.

I make my way to Ingrid, her eyes somber as she watches me approaching. “It’s time?” she asks.

“It’s time.” I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her.
