Page 127 of Obliterate

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I hate that I am about to spoil it.

Ingrid spots me and smiles as she continues to push Immy. “Hey, babe, you okay? You look… rattled.”

My woman can read me so well.

“Just got a call from Bella… she sounded off. Something’s wrong, but she won’t tell me. Says she needs to see me. Has something to tell me but won’t do it unless I’m there face to face.”

Ingrid stops pushing Immy and stands tall. “Well then, we’re going to LA.”

There’s no hesitation, no questions, only determination.

No wonder I love this woman.

“Are you sure? I understand if you want to stay here with your family.”

She picks Immy up from the seat and then places Immy in Kaia’s arms.

Then she walks over to me. “They’re my family now too, Rome. We may not have had any interactions since we’ve been together, and hell, I don’t even think your parents know about us officially yet, but we need to get this done. We need to see what’s happening with your sister and help her if need be. This would always be a problem for your family, South, because of our history. So now’s the time we have to face the consequences. Mine came around. Maybe yours will too.”

Rolling my shoulders, I can’t seem to shake the feeling this is all going to go to shit, but with Ingrid by my side, I can’t help but feel I will be all right. “Okay, let’s go. I’ve gotta find out what’s happening with Bells.”

“Then let’s head inside and book that flight. Kaia, you gonna be okay while we’re gone?” Ingrid asks.

“Go! If there’s one thing we’ve learned at this club, it’s that family meanseverythingthrough the good and the bad. Go figure this out, South. We’ll all be here when you get back.”

I grab Ingrid’s hand and lead her back inside so we can make plans.

I need to tell Hurricane we’re leaving to go back to Los Angeles, and then maybe I should call Alpha so we can call into the clubhouse while we’re there.



The Next Day

Something is terribly wrong with Bella.

I can’t shake the awful feeling I have building inside me.

So Ingrid and I hopped on a flight this morning, rented a car, and we’re on our way to Bella’s house. I have to admit, it’s weird driving around LA again. I haven’t been here for so long. It’s like it’s not my home anymore.

My muscles tense as I drive up the long driveway to her gate.

Ingrid glances around, taking in the affluent suburb. The thing about Bella is that with her career in the music industry, she’s wealthy as hell. I press the buzzer for the gate, and the intercom sounds. “North residence, how can we help you?”

“Rosie, is that you?” I ask Bella’s housekeeper.

“Romeo? Are you really here?” she calls back down the line.

“Yeah, Rose, it’s me.”

“Well, let me buzz you right on in. I can’t wait to give you a big ole hug!” The buzzer sounds, and I turn to Ingrid, who is smiling.

“What?” I ask, and she chuckles.

“Did you have a thing with Bella’s maid?” she quips, and I scowl.

“No, fuck no. She’s so much older than me.”
