Page 30 of Obliterate

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He exhales, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was young when he left, so I don’t remember much. But from what my mother has told me, my older sister was taken… kidnapped… my father couldn’t handle the police investigation.”

Jesse rolls his shoulders like there’s clear tension surging through them. “They weren’t going about it in the right ways or moving fast enough, so Mom said he went to find her himself. She said he had a lead and was following it down. She was hopeful he would get our sister back. He rang Mom and told her he was going in to pick up our sister, then Mom never heard from him again. Mom told the police what had happened, but they said because they had no idea where he was or who he was chasing after, they had no leads to search for him. The trail went cold. So we lost my sister and my father.”

He exhales, shaking his head. “Mom was never the same. She tried, but she was always a little withdrawn from the world. I think knowing all this is why when the opportunity came to join the club, I took it. Maybe I will start looking into my sister and father’s disappearance… one day.”

I grip Jesse’s shoulder as Raid and Frankie both let out a long breath. “That’s a lot, brother… if there’s anything you want me to look into, I’m more than happy to help in any way I can,” I tell him.

Raid dips his chin. “I can try running some searches to see what I can dig up. I just need their names. If you have birthdates, it will make it easier.”

Jesse smiles, shaking his head. “Thanks, guys. And Raid, while I appreciate it, you need to focus on the club and get as much downtime as possible. I don’t want to add to your already heaped pile of work. You need a goal, and that goal is the beach vacation. You don’t need my shit adding time to your vacation waitlist. It’s been years of me wondering what happened to my family, so a little longer isn’t going to hurt. We can wait, can’t we, Clo?”

Clover nods. “Yeah, honestly, at this point, maybe not knowing is better than finding out what actually happened.”

“Well, in any case, when you’re ready, you have the whole club backing you. Whatever you need,” I tell him. Even though I’m new here, I know what I’m saying is true.

Raid dips his chin in agreement. “Absolutely, brother. Let us know when you’re ready to start digging, and we’ll get the ball rolling.”

“Appreciate that more than y’all know,” Jesse relays, then he turns to face Jaz. “Can I have another beer? I think I need it after all that.”

She chuckles and starts pouring, then slides it across the bar. He raises his glass and exhales. “I know I’m only a prospect, but thanks for treating me like I belong here. It’s been so fucking great to feel so welcome.”

I tilt my head in acknowledgment because I know exactly how he’s feeling. “These brothers sure know how to make the newcomers feel like a part of the furniture,” I state, and Raid smirks.

“You step through those doors as a brother, you’re instantly family. That’s how we roll. So the both of you coming here, joining us, it was meant to be. You’re here for a reason, and having you improves the club.”

Jesse raises his glass, and Raid and I bring ours up to clink with his. We all ‘cheer’ in celebration and then have a long drink as Clover and Frankie smile.

I have to admit, coming to NOLA was a gamble. Knowing Ingrid was a risk, one I hope might pay off, but being welcomed by the brothers is something else. I could get used to this. It’s hard to imagine leaving. Though I know my time here is finite, I have to ensure to make every moment count.

Every celebration worth remembering.

Every talk and connection with these guys is significant.

Because it’s not going to last forever.

Iwillhave to go back to LA when my time is done.

I hope I can stay for a little while longer.

Because I’m not ready to give this or Ingrid up just yet.



Two Days Later

My lips still feel like they’re tingling. The sensation of South’s lips on mine hasn’t left since the moment he kissed me. The revelation that he’s the same young teen I felt that connection with all those years ago makes me question everything about myself.

I was a happily married woman back then.

And there was absolutely no way, when he was fifteen, I had any kind of attraction to him.

But I had felt a need to protect him from Angus and Lucia.

There was so much pain in his eyes.

And all I wanted was to let him know he didn’t have to be whattheywanted him to be.
