Page 33 of Obliterate

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My sensible mothering side tells me I should do the respectable thing.

The responsible thing.

We should go in my car.

That way, people won’t see us together.

And it’s not as dangerous.

The car isabsolutelytherightoption.

I walk back to him with a bright smile. “Fuck it! Let’s go on your bike.”

He tilts his head with a grin. “You continue to surprise me, angel. I assume you know how to ride wearing a dress?”

I snort out a laugh. “Yeah, spent plenty of time on the back of Reaper’s bike wearing much less than what I’m wearing now.”

South raises his brow like he’s trying to imagine that, and I reach out, punching his arm. He chuckles as we walk out of my house, and I turn, locking the door behind me. He watches me every step of the way, his eyes never leaving me.“All right, let’s get you ready to ride my beast.”

I hear the innuendo in his tone, but I choose to ignore it.Placing my keys in my bag, I swing it over my shoulder so it clings to my body.

The black and chrome glistens in the springtime sun as we walk to his bike. The sleek lines and bold shapes suit South to perfection.

He steps up to the bike and hands me the helmet.

I tilt my head. “What are you gonna wear?”

He shrugs. “Need you to be safe now, don’t we? Precious cargo and all.”

Pursing my lips, I grab the helmet and pull it down over my head, my hair clinging to the sides of my face as it sticks to me. He chuckles, leaning in and sliding my hair away from my eyes, then moves in to help with the strap. “Here, I got ya,” he says, his fingers sliding under my chin, his face so close to mine I smell the mint coming from his breath.

It’s intoxicating, making me want to reach forward and press my lips to his to get a taste. But I restrain myself as his strong fingers delicately close the straps of my helmet.

His eyes flick up, meeting mine, that roguish grin lighting his face as he catches me staring at him. “You ready to go?”

Nodding, I bite my bottom lip. “Yeah… I’m ready to ride you…” My eyes widen as I realize what I just said, and his face lights up at my Freudian slip. “Ride the bike… ready to ride yourbikewith you. Shit! You know what I mean.”

He nods, that grin not leaving his face for a single second as he turns, throwing his leg over his ride. “Ride me or the bike. Ride me on the bike. Your options are unlimited, angel.”

Groaning, I place my hands on his shoulders and hoist myself over the back of the bike, my dress instinctively hiking up as I sit behind him. I slide down, my pussy pressing right up against his back, and I can’t help but feel the pressure as I sit astride him on his bike. My thighs are pressed against his legs, but I remember to keep my bare legs away from the pipes so they won’t get burned.

It’s a fine line.

My arms wrap around his waist, holding on tight, my head leaning down against his back. It’s been so long since I’ve been on the back of a bike, but it feels like home. Even though it’s been years, this is where my place is meant to be.

Maybe I lost sight of that.

I lost who I was when Reaper died.

I became so much for so many.

I had to take on a sole parenting role for four children, and I lost myself, never truly findingmeagain.

Maybe through South being here, he is helping me find myself.

As he starts the engine, I cling tighter, loving the engine’s vibration roaring up through my body, igniting my soul. That same old feeling I used to get reinvigorating me all over again. It’s like a part of me was dormant, hibernating. But now I feel like spring has sprung, and I’m waking up from a deep sleep, like a coma that has kept me from living my best, most authentic self. And maybe part of me branching out and taking risks again has something to do with me having this biopsy and not knowing the results.

I don’t know what my future has planned for me.
