Page 32 of Obliterate

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I roll my eyes. “No, not a date. Just two people going to lunch.”

“Mm-hmm,” he replies smugly. “I’ll come get you now?”

I can’t stop the smile as I hear him moving about.

“I’ll see you real soon, angel.”

“See you soon,” I reply, and he ends the call.

I throw the cell on the sofa beside me and sink back into the cushions, exhaling. “What are you doing, Ingrid?” I mumble under my breath, shake my head, and then stand, moving to the bedroom to get changed because I can’t go out wearing sweatpants and a tank with lasagna stains.


South’s Harley pulls up outside, and my stomach rolls, but I can’t tell whether it’s with nerves, tension, butterflies, or at the thought of seeing South. He brings out a side of me I never thought existed, but it’s so complicated. Even though it’s exciting and thrilling, the ramifications could be problematic for us both.

I need to treat this carefully.

I have to ensure I know what I’m getting into.

So even though I felt like I wanted to see him today, I’m not sure if it is to let him know this— whatever this thing is between us—is going no further or whether I will risk it and edge out of my comfort zone.

At this point, I simply can’t tell if I’m coming or going.

Moving to the front door, I pull it open, watching him stride down the pathway to meet me. A bright smile lights his face as he spots me in my tight-fitting red dress.

I didn’t need to dress up for him, but I wanted to.

South looks me up and down, unmistakable lust in his eyes as he steps up to the door, his arm resting on the doorframe as he clears his throat. “You trying to kill me? Because damn, woman, it’s lethal to look that good.”

I place my hand on his chest with a warm smile. “Stop. You don’t need to say nice things to me, South. You don’t have to try to impress me.”

“Who’s trying to impress? I’m just telling the truth, angel. You’re hot as sin. Anyone who doesn’t see that is blind.”

I slide my hands down my dress, smoothing out the creases. I haven’t felt sexy in years. Well, since before I gave birth to Nash. But the way South’s eyes are lingering on me makes it known he sees me in a way maybe no man ever has. He ignites something inside me. Makes me feel like there’s a part of me that’s still worthy of attraction and to be worshiped.

He makes me want to be loved and devoured.

He has a way of making me feel like I’m worth so much more than just being a mother.

Like I can have a sexual life again.

God, I can’t even remember what it’s like to feel the touch of a man. It’s been so long.

Clearing my throat before my mind goes off in directions it shouldn’t, I look into his eyes. “You have a way with words.”

He grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips and gently kissing the knuckles. “I have a way with many things, and I want to show you all of them… if you’ll let me.”

Sinking into myself, I sigh. “South,” I whisper.

His hand gently caresses the side of my cheek. “No pressure. Today, we go out to lunch. That’s all. Good food. Good company. Just two people hanging out. After that, we see where it goes.”

Inhaling, I nod. “I can’t make any promises… you know that, right?”

South winks. “I know. I don’t expect you to. One step at a time.”

“Okay, let me just grab my bag.”

“You wanna take your car, or you wanna go on my bike?” he calls out as I reach for my bag.

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