Page 47 of Obliterate

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I snort out a laugh. “Who sayslady friend?”

Jesse grips Grudge’s shoulder. “He’s right, Grudge. That’s so old-school. South, you have a fuck buddy, right?” Jesse blurts out.

I almost choke on my beer. “Jesus Christ, prospect. No, I don’t have a fuck buddy.”

Grudge wiggles his brows. “So it’s something more serious? This girl you’re sneaking out to see most nights?”

Well, I wasn’t ready for this interrogation right now. How do I play this? Do I deny I’m seeing someone and figure out a reason as to why I am out, or do I tell them I am seeing someone to get them off my back?

I go with the latter.

Groaning, I rub the back of my neck to ease the tension. “Fuck… it’s new. It’s not even anything official. We’re testing the waters to see where it goes.”

Jesse grins, and Grudge grips my shoulder. “So… who’s the lucky girl?”

“Nope, you’re not getting that info. I wanna keep it on the down-low ’til I know there’s something to talk about.”

Jesse chuckles. “She must berealspecial. If she wasn’t, you wouldn’t be so protective.”

My stomach tightens in response to his damn words. “You’re right… she is special. And when I want to tell the club, I will. But right now… I can’t.”

Grudge stares at me. “As long as this woman isn’t a threat to the club, you should be good.”

I let out a small laugh. “Definitelynota threat to the club.”

“I don’t know what it was like for you in LA, but we’re an accepting bunch here in New Awlins. Whatever you got going on, if you need us, the club will have your back. You’re a part of us now,” Grudge offers his advice.

Jesse nods his head in agreement.

It’s so fucking good to have a feeling of belonging. And if I could tell them about Ingrid and me, I would in a heartbeat. But it’s not only my decision to make. And right now, she doesn’t want them to know.

So I’ll wait.

But not forever.

“Thanks… means a lot. It’s feels fucking good to be accepted.”

Grudge shrugs. “We’re Defiance. Brothers stick together.”

Nodding, I take a long sip of my beer and place it on the bar. “Has the pres noticed I’ve been MIA at night?” I ask.

Grudge and Jesse both chuckle. “South, you’re new here, and everyone will be watching you. So yeah, I’d say if we’ve noticed, he has too.”

“You think I need to talk to him?” I ask.

“If he was worried, he’d be riding your ass. You’ll know when he is annoyed with you,” Grudge states.

“All right… I’m gonna go shower. Thanks for the chat,” I tell them.

“I’d say have a good night, but I have a feeling you already did,” Jesse quips.

I smirk, wink, and without saying anything else, turn, walking for the hall.

Grudge and Jesse chuckle as I make my way into my room, wondering just how deep of a hole I am digging for myself. If everyone has already noticed my absence, it’s only a matter of time before Hurricane and Bayou start askingrealquestions.

Ones I am not sure I can answer without incriminating Ingrid.

I’m lying to them about our relationship.
