Page 55 of Obliterate

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He turns to face me and nods. “Yeah… she is. Took me far too fucking long before I acted on it. All that time I lost with her because of Dice.”

I nod my head in acknowledgment.

Dice and Izzy were the ‘it couple’ in LA. But I think we all could see something was brewing with the friendship between Izzy and City. I wasn’t surprised when Alpha told us Izzy was staying in NOLA to be with City, especially once all the shit with Dice went down. Dice lost his way long before he came looking for trouble down here. He was drowning, and there would only ever be one way out for him. It’s a shame that it ended the way it did between City, Izzy, and Dice. Because those three were inseparable at one point.

I grip City’s shoulder. “You and Iz were always meant to be, brother. The rest of us could see that. Now look at you, married, happy as fuck… next step, kids?”

City chuckles as he rolls his shoulders. “We’re tryin’.”

I widen my eyes, my mouth agape at that bomb he dropped on me. “Fuck, man! I had no idea. I was just messing with you.”

He purses his lips. “We have been since the wedding, but no luck so far.”

I furrow my brows, trying to do that math. “What’s that been, six months?”

“Eight… we just can’t seem to fall pregnant. There was one time when we thought that maybe because she was two weeks late, but nope. Nothing.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry, man. Have you seen a specialist? Get yourselves checked out?” I ask.

“I suggested that, but Izzy’s too scared. I think she doesn’t want to know if there is a real problem, and for some reason, one of us can’t have kids.”

I shrug. “Better to know than to keep up the hope, right? Because that shit can fester faster than a speeding bullet.”

City inhales deeply, rubbing his shaved scalp. “What about you? You want kids one day?”

Well, fuck!I walked right into that.

I wasn’t expecting it to be turned around on me. My mind shifts to Ingrid and our conversation. If everything works out and we make it, kids won’t be an option for me. It would have been cool to have been a dad, but I can be the fun uncle to all the kids at the clubhouse, and I am totally fine with that. “I don’t think kids are in the cards for me.”

City raises his brow. “You’re still young. You’re not tied down to anyone. How can you be sure?”

“Just a feeling I get.”

City purses his lips, nodding his head. “Fair enough. So tell me, you enjoying your time here?”

I can’t fight the smile that lights my face. “I can see why you transferred.”

City chuckles. “It’s a good club. And Hurricane is less…”

“Tense?” I suggest, and City nods.

“Yeah, don’t get me wrong. Alpha’s great. He just lets his baggage get on top of him.”

I dip my head. “Oh yeah. He really should see a damn therapist about all that stuff that happened with—”

Suddenly, the proximity alarm goes off, and we all shoot our heads up, glancing at Raid.

He taps away on this tablet to check who’s approaching. He groans, shaking his head, and turns off the alarm. “Pres, it’s the Baroness and her men.”

Hurricane curls up his lip. “The fuck does she want?”

“No clue. But they’re at the gate,” Raid states.

“Dammit! Let ’em in,” Hurricane orders and walks for the entrance.

“I better go,” City murmurs, clear aggravation in his tone.

I nod as he stands and walks over to his president to stand by his side as VP, the rest of us sitting back, waiting and watching as the Baroness and her minions approach the doorway.
