Page 57 of Obliterate

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Bayou turns up his lips in some sort of smirk. “That place has been closed forever.”

The Baroness tilts her head. “And why do you think that is? Do you believe all the photos they put online about it being abandoned and flooded? No, that’s a cover-up. I own it. It’s a heavily decked-out bunker stocked full of supplies, weapons, you name it, it’s down there. Hidden in plain sight, as they say.”

We all laugh as we watch her expression to see if she’s bluffing.

She clearly isn’t.

Holy fuck, this woman is something else.

“So what, you’re just gonna let us stow our women there while we take the fight to the Bratva?” Hurricane asks.

She raises her hands in a gesture of ‘I don’t know.’ “Well, see, this is my dilemma.”

We all shift uncomfortably. It’s never easy dealing with the Baroness.

I know something is coming.

We all do.

“Okay… I’ll bite. Tell me, what’s goin’ on in that twisted mind of yours, Constance?” Hurricane grumbles.

She sits back, completely relaxed in her chair. “I give you the access codes to the bunker for your women. You can have safe haven and permission to use everything in there for as long as you need, but… this counts as another favor in the basket for me, and in total, that will be four favors I need remuneration from you.”

Hurricane glances at City, then at Bayou. They both aren’t giving anything away. The tally is getting high to a point where we are going to find ourselves in a hole if we’re not careful.

Hurricane sits forward, seemingly uncomfortable, as he cranes his neck to the side. “The tally’s soaring. We gotta start paying off our debts. We don’t like owin’, Baroness. We’ll take this kind offer of the bunker for our women, but we’re gonna need to start payin’ off our debts in return.”

A wide grin crosses her face, and I just know it’s not good. “I am so glad to hear you say that because I need you to do something for me. The task is a big one. It’s going to hurt all of you. But because you owe me so much, if you do this, it will wipe all your debts with me. Youdon’tdo it. I will make sure to help the Bratva in their endeavors to take you out. Remember,Ihave the power of the South behind me, of every corrupt organization you can think of. I know people you haven’t even thought of who could bring your club down. So… I would consider this offer carefully before coming back at me with a knee-jerk reaction.”

The tension in the room escalates to a fever pitch.

Hurricane glares at her with an animalistic stare. “Are you threatenin’ us?”

“Do Ineedto threaten you? Or will you fall into line? Remember… it’syourwomen on the line here,” she demands.

Hurricane glances at Bayou, and he subtly nods. Hurricane groans under his breath, and he turns back to the Baroness. “What are your terms?”

Her eyes narrow, and a frigid cold falls over the room. The imminent chill of death and deception lingers in the air like a noxious weed spreading its vines throughout the fabric of our clubhouse. I can’t explain it, but if the face of the devil could show itself, I think it would look exactly like the Baroness’ face is twisting in her triumph right now. Her delight is our terror, and as it rips through the Chapel, my stomach tightens, my heart rate spikes as she pulls out a folder and places it on the table.

“I need you to kill someone for me. He’s not cooperating with me like his predecessor and is more trouble than he’s worth with his righteous bullshit.”

Hurricane inhales sharply through his nose. “So this is a rival gang? Someone we know?”

The smirk that lights the Baroness’ face is so sinister, so evil, it’s like something from a horror movie. “You could say that.” She opens the folder to a profile, and on the front page is a kill sheet.

The image on the profile is…


The Houston Defiance MC President.

We all jerk back in response.

Hurricane glares at her. “You’re outta your fuckin’ mind. This must be a goddamn joke?”

The Baroness stares him down with a steely determination. “Do I look like I am joking?”

The air in the Chapel turns frigid as Hurricane stands so aggressively the chair falls backward. He lunges across the table for her, knocking his gavel off the plexiglass to the floor with a crash. “I’ll fuckin’ kill you first!”
