Page 63 of Obliterate

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“How long are we talking, though? Weeks?” I ask.

Hurricane shakes his head. “Fuck, no! I’m hopin’ to have this all settled within a few days. I need this done.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, relaxing my stiff muscles. “Okay… but can you contact us to let us know you are okay? Can you do that, please?”

He reaches out, placing his free hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about us, Ingrid. We’re gonna be all right. We are Defiance. We pull throughall the shitthrown at us. It’s just what we do.”

“I’m glad you’re convinced,” I tell him as the Baroness and her men walk inside, sending a signal to us all. We turn at the loud whistle, and the others follow the Baroness and her men outside.

My stomach rolls as I glance over to South, who’s been watching me like a hawk from the other side of the room. I’ve felt his gaze on me this entire time. His steely stare delving deep into my soul.

I wish I could go to him.

I wish I could walk up to him and kiss him goodbye.

The club is headed off for a fight, and I have no idea what kind of danger he is riding into.

If shit goes bad, I may never see him again.

And the thought that my last interaction with him will be longing glances across a crowded room absolutely kills me.

“You okay, Mom?” Novah asks, breaking me from my internal struggle.

I snap my eyes from South to Novah and blink rapidly, trying to regain my composure. “What? Shit, yeah, I’m fine. Just trying to get a grip on everything that’s happening.”

Novah places her arm around my shoulders and squeezes. “It’s okay, Mom. We will look after each other in the bunker.”

I weakly smile. “Of course we will, darling.”

Hurricane kisses both our heads quickly, and then we turn, walking for the exit. I risk a glance over my shoulder, making eye contact with South one last time. We can’t physically talk to each other, but we don’t need to. Everything is being said through our eyes. I mouth, Goodbye,and he mouths it back to me. A simple gesture letting each other know we’re in this together.

I hesitate to turn back to the front, but I know if I don’t, it will raise suspicions. Regretfully, I break eye contact with South, even though it physically causes me pain, and I turn and walk out of the clubhouse next to Novah and Hurricane.

My stomach lurches up into my throat at the thought that it could be the last time I see South. The idea is so overwhelming that I lose my footing.

Novah reaches out and grabs me. “Hey, you okay there, Mom?”

I right myself and let out a fake laugh. “Silly me, not looking where I’m walking.”

Hurricane hikes Immy up higher on his hip, raising his brow. “You doin’ okay, Ingrid? You’re not comin’ down with somethin’, are ya?”

I groan, shaking my head. “Shut up the both of you. I’m fine, just tripped on a loose stone or something. I’m not as spritely as you young fuckers, remember?”

They both chuckle as Hurricane passes Immy to me. I take her, cradling my granddaughter in my arms, needing comfort from her right now, more than she knows.

She cuddles into me, and I snuggle against her. “Hello, sweet pea. You’re gonna come on an adventure with the girls,” I tell her, to which she reaches out gently, playing with my hair.

“Where’s Kaia?” Novah asks.

Hurricane glances over his shoulder. “She should be comin’ any—” And before he can finish his sentence, Kaia walks out the door carrying two massive bags. “Yep, that’s my wife. Always prepared.”

I let out a snort as Izzy, Maxxy, Clover, and Addi race to help with the bags.

“You planning on going for a vacation after, Kaia?” Novah calls out.

“I’m planning for all scenarios. Always be prepared. This should carry us through for a while… just in case,” Kaia states.

Then, behind Kaia, the Baroness strides over, following her toward the vans. “I’m going to go and ensure the women are securely in the bunker. I will report back to you once everything is fine and my men are in place.”
