Page 69 of Obliterate

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Novah bounces on the sofa. “Pink…” I gasp, my hand flies to my mouth, “… and blue.”

“You’re having one of each?” I clarify.

Novah nods.

Lani smiles so wide her eyes sparkle. “Oh, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.”

Contentment floods my chest.

But no sooner than it does, a beep echoes through the bunker.

I turn to look at the main door opening.

Everyone stops dead still.

The door slowly opens, the hinges creaking with the movement.

My breathing escalates as we all watch for who might be entering.

When suddenly, a small object is thrown inside the space.

My eyes widen as I reach for Novah and pull her toward me. “Grenade!” I scream, yanking Novah with me.

And as I hit the floor with Novah beneath me, an almighty blast thunders through the bunker.



My eyes roll around in my head, and a high-pitched ringing pierces my ears as I blink rapidly, trying to find my equilibrium. My stomach feels like it has dropped out of my body, and everything shakes as my mind flashes back to Novah. Smoke fills the air, making it harder to breathe as I crawl on the floor to find my daughter while trying to figure outwhat the fuck just happened.

There’s no fire in the bunker, so the grenade wasn’t your typical explosive.

My guess is it was a stun grenade.

And fuck! Do I feel that to my very core.

The faint muffle of a baby screaming breaks through the white noise. My mind instantly shoots to Imogen while panic tears through me, making it harder to function.

Get up, Ingrid.

Get. The. Fuck. Up!

I will myself to fight through the pain shooting through my body. As I stagger to my feet, the smoke lifts a little, helping me to spot Kaia cradling Immy, trying to comfort her. My eyes meet hers, sheer terror in them as I nod, then keep moving in an attempt to find Novah—I was sure I protected her with my body, but obviously, the blast moved us. Then my foot hits something on the floor, so I glance down, seeing the blonde hair splayed out.

“Novah,” I call out, though I can’t hear myself. I drop to my knees, rolling her over. She has a small bump on her head, but otherwise, she looks okay. Gently, I tap her face but don’t bother trying to talk to her. If I can’t hear, I doubt she can, either.

Her eyes begin to flicker, and she slowly opens them, her hand moving to the small cut on her head, scrunching up her face like she’s in pain. “Can you hear?” I yell.

She shakes her head. “Not well.” Her voice is muffled, but I can read her lips.

I help her up, and we glance around the bunker. Everyone is slowly getting to their feet and moving about to help each other, but as I step over to make sure Lani is okay, a flash of something grabs my attention. I turn to see the Baroness running for the bunker door, but it’s too late—a group of men run in through the bunker, guns drawn, aimed at us.

We were worried about the guys going to war with the Bratva when we should have been more concerned they would findusfirst.

My heart pounds as I raise my hands, the other girls following suit.The white noise in my ears is slowly dissipating, and the sounds of disaster creep in.My breathing is rapid and heavy as I watch Anton and his Bratva enter the bunker and close the door behind them.

We’re trapped.
