Page 72 of Obliterate

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Kaia hands Immy off to Frankie, and then she’s ushered up to the front of the bunker, where Anton waits. Kaia glares at Anton. “You know Hurricane is going to kill you for this?”

Anton chuckles. “We’ll be gone before they find you.”

Kaia curls up her nose. “You’re a real piece of shit,” she snaps at him, then promptly spits at his feet.

And for the first time, I see Anton’s façade break.

He rushes forward, his hand grabbing at Kaia’s neck, and hoists her up, pressing her raised body against the nearest wall. We all gasp as her feet dangle above the floor while her hands clasp onto his tight grip around her neck. The asshole’s fingers turn red with the force his clutch has on Kaia. Her eyes bulge as she struggles against him. “You were always a fighter, Kaia. I’m going to enjoy watching my men break…Every. Inch. Of you. And then, I will enjoy watching the footage of Hurricane finding your broken body.”

We all tense as he throws her to the concrete with a loud thud. She gasps for air, coughing, and spluttering, clawing at her neck.

Lani screams out, “Kaia!”

“This family dynamic you all seem to have is sickening. I really wish you would stop screaming for each other. The high-pitched rambling is exhausting. Please just sit back and enjoy the show. I thought you were women of bikers. Surely, you should be used to violence?” Anton groans as he signals to his men, and they reach down, grabbing Kaia and hoisting her onto a seat.

Kaia spits out a line of blood as I continue to hold onto Novah while she cries in my arms. I stroke her hair, trying to calm her nerves as Lani slowly sits on the sofa beside me.

Her face turns pale.

A telltale sign.


“Lani, you okay?” I whisper, but her eyes are glassy as she stares at her sister.

“Oh, God, Lani. I know this is stressful, but I need you to stay with us. Lani… eyes on me, darling!” I yell at her.

Somehow, she hears me, her eyes come back into focus, and she snaps her head to look at me.

“Good… that’s good. Now, no matter what, you keep your eyes on me, okay?” I tell her, and as tears stream down her face, a piercing scream echoes through the bunker, making me jump. My head snaps to Kaia, where a soldier slowly pulls back on Kaia’s fingers one by one until the crack resonates through the room. My stomach recoils, watching that bastard breaking her fingers with reckless abandon. The pain she must be going through tears at my soul.

Maxxy and Izzy go to take steps forward, but soldiers aim their guns at them, forcing them to stop their attempt to get to Kaia.

Lani makes a kind of gurgling sound, and I snap my head around to see her eyes have glazed over again. At the same time, Lani’s body goes limp, and she falls onto the sofa.

“Lani!” I scream, letting go of Novah briefly and moving to Lani, who is now convulsing in one of her seizures.

Kaia screams out again in agony as the soldier tortures her while Novah cries out in pain. Anton walks into the middle of the room, laughing like a crazed maniac as he takes in the chaos he’s causing. His arms fly out as he strides around in circles, cackling to himself. “This is exactly what I wanted. This is thedestructionof Defiance.” He looks into something sitting on top of the television, and I follow his line of sight, clearly seeing a camera. “This is the show I wanted. I can’twaitto see how it all pans out when the boys arrive.”

“You’re fucking insane, Anton,” the Baroness calls out. “You wait… I swear to God, it won’t be Defiance you need to worry about, you Russian asshole.”

Anton chuckles like her threats do not affect him one little bit. “How’s your shoulder, Connie? That’s a lot of blood, and you look quite pale there.”

“Fuck. You!” she spits out.

I roll Lani onto her side and try to time her seizure, but it’s hard when so much is happening around me. The screaming, the cackling, the crying—my entire body shakes as tears slide down my face so dramatically, it’s hard to see.

Suddenly, the door to the bunker opens, and a couple of soldiers run in.

“Pakhan, the drones picked up a pack riding this way. We can’t be sure, but they’re riding fast and unhinged. My bet is it’s Defiance, and somehow, they know what we’re doing here.”

Anton curls up his lip, lets out a furious growl, and slams his fist into the guy bringing him the information. “Ye-bat'!” He runs his fingers through his hair, then shakes out the hand he just punched the guy with. “We need to go. We’re not prepared for an all-out attack with Defiance just yet. They will be ready for a fight, and we have more work to do to prepare for that. Soldiers, let’s roll out. Oh, ladies, it’s been a pleasure.Dasvidaniya.” Anton spins on his heel, turning for the exit.

I have to admit, seeing the ass end of that bastard is so fucking relieving, but I can’t concentrate on that right now.

Lani is not coming out of her seizure.

Novah’s sitting on the floor, rolling around in pain.
