Page 71 of Obliterate

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The soldier chuckles, pulling her away from me. “That’s a good little girl.” Then he starts dragging Novah further away from me.

My arm extends, and my hand starts to detach from hers. My chest heaves with anxiety as I begin to whine. “Novah!” I call out, but another soldier steps in, his gun aimed at Lani this time, stopping me from trying to get to Novah.

I feel physically sick.

I have no idea what they’re going to do to Novah.

But they’re taking great pleasure in making all of us watch.

Anton chuckles as he turns to Novah with a menacing smirk. “When Defiance shot up our little sanctuary, they came there looking for you, Novah. All this… it started because ofyou!”

He turns and looks at Kaia, who’s cradling the crying Immy to her chest. “You really should stop her from weeping. Stress isn’t good for babies, or… expectant mothers,” the tone in his voice is threatening, dark, and so damn sinister it curls my toes.

My heart leaps into my throat as my eyes meet Novah’s, and then he gives a signal to his soldiers. Two assholes grab Novah’s arms, yanking them out to the sides so she’s standing like Jesus on the cross.

She whimpers as her stomach is completely exposed. “Please, don’t do this,” she whimpers.

“No!” I scream out the word so loud it reverberates in the room.

Novah bursts into tears, and another soldier moves into position, his fist coming out, looking like he is going to punch her in the stomach.

I can’t stand back and watch this. I know the Bratva have a gun to Lani’s head, but Novah is my priority as a mother.I have to help her.Rushing forward, I scream out, “Novah!”

The guard holding Lani hostage lunges for me, slamming the butt of his gun into my temple.

My vision turns instantly black, stars dancing behind my eyes. Pain ripples through me at the same time Novah screams out in hers. I drop to my knees, my hand gripping my mouth to cover my sobs at not only my pain but hearing Novah and that I couldn’t reach her in time. My eyes open, blinking through the pain and droplets of blood trickling down my face to see Novah bending over in obvious agony. She drops to her knees, but the soldier hoists her back up.

“Stop! Stop this!” I yell at them.

Anton turns to me. “Oh, Mother Dearest, we’re only just getting started. They took out two of our children, so we take out two of your Defiance scum. They just don’t happen to be born yet.” He turns back to the assholes and demands,“Again!”



Unwavering hatred.

All these feelings slam into me as I move to stand, wobbling as I go, to make the move to rush for Novah again, but the Bratva presses the gun to my temple, clicking off the safety, and pulls another aimed at Lani.

“You want to be brave right now, Mama?” he growls.

I want to be able to go to Novah, but knowing if I do, they’ll shoot Lani and me.

I’m so fucking torn.

My entire body shakes as the soldier strikes his blow on my daughter, but this time, it’s Novah’s face he is targeting. Her head snaps to the side, blood pooling from her split lip.

“Oh, Novah,” I whimper.

Kaia steps forward. “Enough! I’m the First Lady of this club. You want someone to hurt, that’s going to anger the brothers, then you hurt me. But leave the rest of the women and children alone.”

Anton chuckles. “Oh, Kaia, we werealwaysgoing to hurt you. But since you asked so nicely… get her, boys!” he demands, and the ones holding Novah shove her to the floor like a rag doll. She lands on the concrete hard.

I don’t waste one second racing for her. My feet feel like they weigh a thousand pounds, and they’re stopping me from getting to her sooner, especially with my dizziness. But when I reach her—dropping to my knees, I slide in beside her and pull her onto my lap. My fingers stroke her hair. “I’m here, darling. I’m right here,” I whisper to her. Her hands instinctively move to her stomach, which is obviously causing her pain.

I can’t see any blood, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any or that there isn’t an imminent problem with the twins. I need to get her to the hospitalright fucking now. But with Anton and his assholes here, that’s impossible.

We’re going to have to ride this out.
