Page 77 of Obliterate

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I reach out, grabbing her hand. “Look at me,” I demand.

Her hand trembles against mine as her watering eyes stare into me. “I c-couldn’t h-help t-them.”

I don’t give a shit who’s watching—I’ve got to try and ease her anguish. So I bring my hand up to her cheek and gently caress her. “I know you did your best to minimize the fallout. Whatever happened in here… is on Anton. Not you. You tried to care for everyone, and you did good, angel.”

“The way they hurt Novah…” She lets out a sob, shaking her head. “Oh God, if she loses those precious babies and I did nothing—”

I tighten my grip on her cheek, forcing her to look at me. “Stop. It. Think about it. You would have done anything to protect Novah. I know that deep in my bones. So what was the reason you couldn’t?”

Ingrid sniffles, a tear falling down her face. “I went to help her, then the Bratva hit me over the head with his gun, almost knocking me out. I tried again when I got up, but he held a gun to my head and also to Lani. Said he would shoot her if I tried anything.”

Those fucking bastards.

“I’m so sorry we weren’t here. But there was nothing you could have done. The assholes would have shot Lani and you if you tried to help Novah. And to be honest, by the looks of the guy with the machine gun about to mow you all down when we arrived, their intention was never to let you all live anyway. They wanted you to suffer before they killed you.”

“How did you know to come help us?” Ingrid asks.

“Hurricane got a text from the burner saying SOS. When we tried to call, there was no answer. We knew something wasn’t right.”

Ingrid weakly smiles. “Kaia must have sent off a sly text before they started breaking her fingers.”

I grimace at the thought. “Who else is hurt?”

Ingrid turns to look at the Baroness, who is walking around aimlessly, holding her shoulder.

I raise my brow in surprise. “Who shot her?”

“Anton, he was particularly crazy today.”

I turn back to look at Ingrid. “He doesn’t care if she comes after him?”

“I think he had every intention of mowing her down along with us.”

My eyes widen as I let out a small laugh. Well, thank fuck that didn’t happen. Because the Baroness’ death right now, with her contingencies in place, would be abigfucking problem for Defiance MC.

We might have had a real lucky escape with this one.

Thank God Hurricane gave Kaia that burner, and she was able to send a text off to us in time.

Shaking my head, I turn back to Ingrid, my eyes narrowing in on her, as my hand pulls her closer to me, still not caring who sees.

She sighs a little. “South, we can’t be like this here. There’s too many people who don’t know—”

“Then maybe it’s time theydoknow?”

She slowly removes my hand from her hip and takes a step back. “Not here… not now. It’s not the time. Our club is in chaos. We need to focus on everyone else right now. It would be selfish of us to do anything else. I need to focus on my family. On Novah, on Kaia, on Lani. My family who are so badly injured at the moment. I’ve got to get to the hospital and make sure they’re okay because I have my own shit to deal with, and I don’t know that I can go into that knowing that my family is not okay.”

I raise my hands in surrender, seeing she isn’t coping at the moment. I need to be here to support her.Our shit can wait.“C’mon, let’s get to the hospital. I’m sure Jesse has already taken them in the van.”

Ingrid sniffles and goes to walk out but then turns back, her eyes widening. “Shit, wait! Immy?” she calls out, snapping her head around.

Frankie steps out from the kitchen area, holding Immy with a bottle in her mouth to keep her calm. “I got her, Ingrid. You go look after our girls. I’ll take care of everyone who’s left and get us all back to the clubhouse.”

Grudge nods. “Raid, Hoodoo, and I will stay with the other girls to make sure they get back okay while you guys go to the hospital. South, keep us informed and your damn eyes peeled. Once Anton knows his man didn’t succeed, he’ll be wanting to finish the job.”

I nod. “Yeah, well, he’ll probably want to regroup and devise another plan. But I can tell you now… once we get the girls settled, I know we’re gonna come out fucking swinging.”

“You bet your fucking ass,” Hoodoo replies.
