Page 81 of Obliterate

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“Will do, thanks, doc,” Bayou states, and she walks out, leaving the three of us alone.

I turn to face them and shake my head. “I am so sorry, my loves. Words can’t express how sad I am for you both. But then, I’m relieved because you’re okay, and so is your little boy. It’s such an odd feeling.”

Novah reaches out, grabbing my hand in hers. “Thank you for being here, Mom.”

“You’re always here for us whenever we need you,” Bayou adds.

I bring my free hand up and cup his bearded cheek. “Of course, darling. I love you both with everything I have, and I never want to see you in pain like this.”

“I’m not going to lie. This fucking hurts. Knowing I was going to have a daughter and a son is every girl’s fantasy when having twins. I really wanted my little girl, Mommy.” Novah sniffles.

I hold her hand a little tighter. “I know, darling. I’m so, so sorry… but once you and your little boy are settled, if you want to, you and Bayou can try again. Or not. You don’t need to make any plans now, just know there are options.”

Bayou nods. “Ingrid’s right, baby. There’s gonna be so many kids in our future. This is just a blip. A fucking horrific blip, but we’ll be okay. Wehaveto be. For the sake of our son.”

Novah grips onto Bayoutighter, and he continues to stroke her hair.

I gently pat his back and exhale. “I’m going to give you two some alone time and go find Kaia and Hurricane to check in on them, but if you need me for anything at all, Bayou, you come find me.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Novah says, wiping under her damp eyes.

I lean in, placing a kiss on her cheek. “I love you, darling.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

I turn to Bayou.

“I’ll walk you out. I’ll be right back, Novah. Okay?”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Novah states, her eyes focusing on the sonogram printout.

Exhaling at the sight of her so lost in grief, Bayou and I walk out of her med bay and into the emergency ward. He turns to me once we’re out of her room and out of sight and suddenly pulls me to him in a tight embrace.

I wrap my arms around him tightly, putting everything into the hug. “I love you so much, Bayou, and I know how hard this is for you, but she needs you to be strong for her.”

He sniffles, pulling back, his eyes full of tears, and he nods. “I know… but I don’t know what hurts more. Knowing we lost our baby girl or seeing the pain it’s causing Novah. I can’t stand seeing her upset.”

“You and Novah have had a bond ever since you met. When your father and I got married, the relationship you and Novah formed was unique. You two have been through so much together. You were destined, Bayou, and like you said, this is a blip. You will be okay. I feel it.”

He pulls me to him for another hug, then kisses me on the cheek. “You always were a far better mother than my actual mom. I just want you to know that.”

My chest squeezes in appreciation, and I try to hold my tears in. Bayou and his twin mean everything to me. To hear him say that means more than he will ever know. “I love you like you’re my own blood, Bayou. I always have. Always will. No matter what. Now go back in there and take care of our girl and your son. Be strong, Bayou. I know you can be.”

He inhales sharply, his chest puffing out with a deep breath. “I got this. I’ll hold it together…for her.”

“Good, because falling apart in front of her like you did earlier won’t do Novah any good. But when you’re away from her, I am here if you need someone to talk to about your grief. You can unload on me, cry on my shoulder, punch walls, and scream into pillows. Whatever you need to do. Just not in front of Novah. She needs your strength and guidance right now.”

“I hear you, and I know you’re right. I let my grief consume me. Didn’t stop to putherneeds first.”

“You’re human. We all react to that kind of news differently. Now is how you and Novah build a stronger foundation. You need to be there for each other. This kind of thing can make or break a relationship. But you guys will fight for each other. I know you will.”

Bayou swallows hard. “We’ll be okay. We have to be. I’ll make damn sure of it.”

“Right. I’m going to go find Hurricane and Kaia.”

“I heard they’re in room nine.”

“Thanks. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I place a light kiss on his cheek. He smiles at me as I turn and head for room nine.
