Page 87 of Obliterate

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Knowing our time is limited and the longer we stay in here, the more likely we are to get caught, I tell her, “Ingrid, fuck my face like you mean it. I want to be covered in you.”

Unable to speak, she frantically nods her head in agreement. As soon as my tongue slips between her delicious folds, she does as I demand.

Her legs start to shake, and one hand releases its hold on my hair, slamming into the shelf next to her and sending a variety of boxed foods to the floor. I latch onto her clit, sucking, licking, and nipping, and she presses me even closer with her other hand. At this point, I can barely take a breath, but I fucking don’t care.

I growl, and the vibration is enough to send her over the edge. She opens her mouth, but my fingers hold her chin closed as her muffled moans whimper through the room. Her arm flies into the shelf again, this time sending canned goods to the floor with a clattering bang.

“Brothers, Church!” Hurricane’s voice echoes slightly through our panting as I pull my mouth from between Ingrid’s legs, my head flying up at the thought of being caught. Her juices coating my lips, making me smile so fucking wide as I bring my arm up, regretfully wiping them away.

Ingrid is still coming down from her high, her fingers gently stroking my hair as I glance up at her still between her legs. “Feeling better?” I ask.

She lets out a small giggle, her satiated eyes meeting mine. “I didn’t know how much I needed that until I was moaning so loud you had to tell me to be quiet. You’re so good at that.”

“Where the fuck is South?” Hurricane calls out in the main clubroom, and I chuckle, slowly standing from between her legs.

“I better go before they come in here looking for me.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me briefly. “This running around, hiding behind people’s backs stuff is exhilarating.”

I snort out a laugh. “It is, but it could also get me killed.”

“Yeah, we have to tell them… about everything.”

“We do, just not right this second. Right now, I have to go to Church.”

“You go. I’ll follow behind in a while so we don’t raise suspicion.”

I smirk and step back, trying to straighten out my still semi-erect cock and button up my jeans. “I have to try and concentrate in the Chapel now without thinking about what we just did. You’re a bad influence on me, angel.”

She snorts, ushering me toward the door. “Go before they come in here searching.”

I kiss her one more time, look her up and down, shake my head with a small groan, and then carefully open the pantry door. I peek out, seeing no one around, then I walk out into the kitchen with a pep in my step, fixing my tousled hair and making my way into the main clubroom, where Jesse is madly searching for me.

“Hey, there you are. Pres is looking for you. They’ve gone into Church without you.”

“Thanks, prospect.”

Making my way to the Chapel, I knock several times, then head on in. Everyone is taking their seats, so at least I’m not too late, but Hurricane looks at me and furrows his brows as he sits with baby Immy on his lap. “Where the fuck were ya? I was callin’ out?”

I snort out a laugh. “Can’t a brother have a shit in peace around here?”

Everyone laughs as I walk to the end of the table and take a seat.

Hurricane bangs his gavel, making baby Immy jump with the shock. Her eyes widen as he brings the gavel for her to play with. “First of all… apologize for havin’ a baby in here with us, but Kaia specifically wanted me to pay closer attention to Immy after the attack. And as you can see, my littlecheriis jumpy. I’m gonna try to spend the time I’m at the clubhouse with her. So she’s gonna be attached to me a lot more. Of course, when we go out, Frankie or one of the girls will be watchin’ her. If there are any objections, you can fuck off. This is happenin’. My daughter’s well-bein’ is important to me. So get on board, or get the fuck out. Got it?”

We all nod our heads. There’s not a brother in this room who would object to having Imogen in here with us. She’s seven months old. She can’t understand what we’re saying. So it’s a no-brainer.

“Secondly, you’ve all been updated on Kaia, Novah, and Lani’s conditions. We will keep you informed as we know more about Lani. Novah is restin’, and we gotta try to keep the noise level in the clubhouse down so Novah can sleep. Kaia is stayin’ at the hospital with Grit and Ghoul to keep an eye on Lani. We have to keep our thoughts positive for a good outcome.” He leans in, kissing Immy’s hair lightly, his finger playing with the curls on her head.

“The fact is, we all know this war’s been brewin’ for months. No, fuck, years. Well, brothers, it’s not brewin’ anymore. The war is here. It’s landed right on our motherfuckin’ doorstep with a huge fuckin’ wakeup call. The time to strike has come, but we all know we have other obstacles we need to overcome while doin’ this. Our backs are against the wall. NOLA Defiance has never seen such dark days as we’re in right now. But brothers, if we stand together, tall and united, we can get through this… all of us.”

He’s definitely talking about the hit on Six.

The fact that while we’re fighting for our lives, and Houston will be here fighting beside us, we will all know there’s a subplot to assassinate their president during the fight.

We’re all Judas.

We’re all going to hell.
