Page 95 of Obliterate

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I shake off the shudder threatening to overtake my body as I walk over to Ingrid, who touches my shoulder and hands me a pair of boxers.

Slowly, I pull them on as Ingrid folds her arms over her chest, glaring at the twins. “I have never…ever…been as disappointed in you twins in all my damn life. I understand your need to protect me, and I thank you for that protection, but did you not think forone… single… second…to stop and ask whatIwanted? What the truth is before you went off halffuckingcocked?”


“I am notdone! You assume South is the bad guy. Have you ever stopped to think this is a mutual relationship? That the feelings are equally shared? This has been going on for longer than you know, and for you to come acting all fuckinghigh and mighty, threatening to kill my man and feed him to the club alligator, is absolutely reprehensible.”

I smile because she called me her man.

She continues, “You talk about club unity, but at thefirst signof someone doing somethingyoudon’t approve of, you go and shoot that all to shit.Grow thefuck up,Hurricane.Not everything is about whatyouwant. Other people’s feelings matter too!” Ingrid turns, throwing her hands in the air in her anger, and storms off, gun still in hand.

Grudge approaches Ingrid, taking the gun. He says something to her, but there’s ringing in my ears, so I don’t catch whatever he says.

“Show’s fuckin’ over. Get your asses back inside,” Hurricane yells to Jesse and Grudge. “How thefuckdid she get a gun anyway?” he snaps at Grudge before he walks away.

Jesse is already headed to the clubhouse, probably not wanting to chance being the subject of Hurricane’s wrath after what he witnessed, especially being a prospect.

Grudge glances at it and chuckles. “Looks like it’s your spare from under the Chapel table, Pres.”

Hurricane grunts, then takes off after Ingrid, shoving past Grudge with a huff.

I must admit, hearing her sass like that was such a fucking turn-on, but as I turn to Hurricane, he looks fucking shattered.

“Ingrid, I care about your feelin’s. Talk to me!” Hurricane begs, catching up to her.

She lets out a loud, obnoxious laugh, turns back to face him, and throws her hands in the air. “Talk toyou?Youwant me to open up about everything? Well, let me tell you something, Hurricane… I was so fucking scared to tell you about South and me because I was so concerned you wouldactuallykill him, and look at you proving me completelyfuckingright! How canItalk toyou, Hurricane, when you don’t even ask me a simple question before flying off the handle.”

Hurricane clears his throat. “I don’t fly off the handle. I protect those I love. There’s a difference.”

She lets out another loud laugh. “Ignorance is bliss, my darling. While you’re busy protecting everyone, and since we’re currently in the business of beingso open and honestabout everything, I have atypical ductal hyperplasia in my breast. And to top that diagnosis off, I am having the lump removed in a little over two weeks. How’sthat,for being honest?” she asks, again turning to storm off after dumping that stick of dynamite firmly at his feet.

My mouth drops open, and my stomach catapults into my throat.

Hurricane and Bayou turn pale white, their shoulders slump with the realization that everything just got much heavier for them.

Hurricane takes off, chasing after my woman. “Ingrid, stop! Wait! We gotta t-talk about this. When did you f-find out? What the fuck is that? Is it breast cancer? Are you gonna be okay?” His tone is broken as he grabs and pulls her to him in a tight embrace.

Bayou jogs up and joins in the hug.

I stand back, letting them have their moment.

She sniffles, wiping a tear from her face. My woman is still full of sass. “I found out when South took me to my appointment. It’s been an ongoing situation since then. The prognosis is quite good. They have to remove the benign lump, then it should be okay. But you know… the one constant has been South through it all. He’s been my biggest support. So you being immature and wanting to feed him to La Fin shows the mentality of you both, so… grow thefuck up!”

They both stare at her as she storms off again.

And this time, they let her go.

Hurricane and Bayou both stand stunned by what has just happened.

I let out a long sigh. “She’s strong. A fighter. She’s gonna be okay.”

Hurricane and Bayou both turn to look at me like they’re still confused by this whole situation, but Hurricane is the first to speak. “Are you in love with her?”

His words shock me for a microsecond, but I know the answer, so I reply without hesitation, without falter, and without reservation. “Yes.”

A slow smile crosses Bayou’s face.

Hurricane’s expression doesn’t shift. “You hurt her… one single hair on her body, and next time, I won’t feed you to La Fin. I’ll make it painful and slow andsooofuckin’ gruesome the Bachelors in Baton Rouge will hear your fuckin’ screams.Got it?”
