Page 97 of Obliterate

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Everyone stares at me, and I gasp, hearing the words. It’s like a bolt of lightning shoots through my body, jolting my heart into a frantic rhythm. The impact so dramatic and unexpected that the glass slips from my hand, dropping to the floor, shattering into a thousand tiny pieces, bourbon spilling all over my shoes.

“Fuck,” I blurt out, but my eyes don’t glance down at the broken glass. They stay focused on South and the terrified look in his eyes. I sense everyone watching me, but I don’t care as I stand. My feet start their brisk pace, but it feels like I am slowly running toward him.

That gorgeous rouge smile he is known for lights his face as he begins rushing for me, and we meet somewhere in the middle of the clubhouse. He lifts me, our lips slamming together as we kiss passionately for everyone to see. His hands slide up my back, holding me to him, my fingers running through his long hair, just needing him right now.

I can’t explain this feeling.

I never thought I could fall for someone like South.

It’s complicated.

It’s crazy.

We shouldn’t work.

But… I love South.

I love him with everything that I am.

Everyone around us cheers in celebration as he slides me down his body, our lips parting while we breathe breathlessly, our foreheads touching as we stare into each other’s eyes.

His hand caresses my cheek. “I mean it, Ingrid. I fucking love you.”

A tear slides down my face, and I sniffle. “I love you too, Rome. So much it hurts.”

Hurricane steps up beside us, and we turn to look at him. He’s holding Immy on his hip, and he has a softer expression on his face. “This is still fuckin’ weird. But I can see now that this is a real thing you two have goin’ on. I apologize, Ingrid, for the way I reacted. I’m not sorry I punched you, South.” He hesitates and then continues, “You are, however, our brother and I shoulda talked to you before flyin’ off the handle. But that woman is more of a mother to me than my real mom, so you gotta understand I’m gonna protect her when I think someone is fuckin’ with her life.”

South turns to Hurricane, standing strong. “I get it. Because I would do the same thing for Ingrid, Pres. I’d lay down and fight for her. I’d kill any fucker who tried to harm her… so I understand why you did what you did. You thought I was taking advantage, but believe me when I say I’dneverdo that to Ingrid. Is our relationship unconventional? Yeah! But we fucking work. I don’t know how or why, butwe… just… do. I want to takecareof her. I want to be by her side foreverything. This amazing, incredible woman is my ride or die.”

My heart pounds, hearing him pour his heart out, and I cling to him a little tighter, needing to touch him. South tightens his grip on my hand as Hurricane shifts his gaze to me. “The feelin’ mutual?”

“Undeniably.” I glance up at South, feeling nothing but absolute devotion toward him.

“Then I guess there’s nothin’ more to say on the matter. Welcome to the family, South.” Hurricane places out his free hand for South to shake, and I can’t help but smile.

South takes Hurricane’s hand, shaking it firmly, and then slaps him on the back. “I regret we hid this from you, brother… we didn’t know how to tell you.”

He grumbles under his breath. “Honestly, the fact you’ve been keepin’ multiple things from me, Ingrid, is what’s grindin’ on me. I thought we were an open family. I thought we told each other everythin’?”

My shoulders slump, and I step forward, taking his hand in mine. “I should have told you about my medical issues, and I am so sorry about that. I was terrified and didn’t want to burden you when you already have so much on your plate. I didn’t want it to cloud your judgment in any decision-making.”

He looks me right in the eyes—there is so much sadness in them. “Listen, andreallyhear me when I say this… I don’t care if the world is implodin’ all around me, you are soveryimportant to me. I wanna know what’s goin’ on with you. Good and bad. We gotta deal with this shit as a family. I don’t want you doin’ this shit on your own.”

I grip hold of South’s arm, glancing up at him. “I wasn’t alone. South has been amazing. But I hear you, and I promise y’all will be a part of this moving forward. But I don’t want you focusing on me and holding off this payback. Anton and his men, we need this revenge. We have time to do both.”

“Damn straight we do. We will deal with Anton, annihilate the Bratva, and then focus solely on you. One step at a time.”

“One step at a time,” I reply.

Hurricane leans in, giving me a small kiss on my cheek, and whispers in my ear, “I love you, Ingrid. I never meant to upset you. You know I only ever wanna do right by you, yeah?” he asks, his tone soft, like he’s disappointed in himself.

I grip his shoulder and whisper back, “I know, darling. I know your heart’s in the right place. However misguided you were, you were looking out for me. I will always love you, Hurricane. No matter what you do. Know that.”

Hurricane turns to South, looking him up and down. “Now go put some damn clothes on, brother. We don’t need to see your tattooed ass all over the fuckin’ place.”

South grins as everyone chuckles. He leans in to kiss me briefly before turning and heading for his bedroom. I give a small head bob to Hurricane, and he walks off with Immy still on his hip as he heads for the Chapel.

My guess is he needs a moment to decompress.
