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"Yes, Coach," everyone calls out.

"Coach, the media is ready for you," someone calls out.

"Don't go anywhere, Will, I'm sure they are going to want to talk to you as well," Coach says, and I nod.

Once all the media is done, I quickly shower, change, and head out to get something to eat with the team, before going home.



"Can you turn the game on?" Mr. Matthews asks as I have him doing his leg lifts.

"What game is that?" I ask him.

"Dallas and Hurtsboro. I want to see if Will Anderson will be in the game as a starter. They've been playing that rookie, McHenry, during the preseason games," he says.

"Absolutely not," I say with conviction in my voice. "You are here to get better, and if I turn the game on, you will not pay attention to what you need to be doing in order to get better."

"That's not fair," he tells me, but I stay resilient in my excuses.

There is no way I am going to sit here and listen to the commentators talk about Will like he is the best thing since Joe Montana. That is not happening. Too bad they don't know the true asshole, who can't be bothered to come visit his own father.

I don't understand how they could all think he is so amazing, when those of us who grew up with him, know better. Especially me since I grew up next door to him.

I work on Mr. Matthews, making him do his drills, but I can tell he is only trying to hurry through so he can go watch the game. Seems he and some of the rest of the town forgot what an ass Will was growing up here, or maybe they never realized when he spoke to them.

"Mr. Matthews, I would prefer you not injure yourself any more than you already are. We will call your session. Make sure to put some ice on it to keep it from swelling."

"Yes, Krista. Thank you for understanding."

"I would suggest not requesting me on a Sunday any more so that you can watch your football games."

"That's a good point. Can we schedule our sessions on Mondays?"

"Yes, we can. I'll mark you in my calendar. Now be safe walking to your car."

"I will. Enjoy your Sunday, Krista."

"Thanks, and enjoy the game," I call out.

I start cleaning up the equipment and setting the room in order.

I look at the time, and realize if I don’t hurry, I’m going to be late meeting Leia and Riley at Emily’s.

Things have been chaotic these last couple of months. Leia’s ex Josh was harassing and stalking her and Noah Ashton, then he beat Riley so bad she was in the hospital for a few weeks, some of that time she was in a coma.

Josh escaped from jail, through a botch-up in the paperwork. No one has seen him, and now truths are coming out about his father, the Senator. Seems the Senator has been abusing his maid, and though he says he doesn't know where his son is, the rest of the state believes he sent him to Mexico, or another country where extradition is not authorized.

Riley seems to have moved on, though I don't know how she's not worried that he could come back. Maybe because she is a firefighter, and deals with life and death every day, I don’t know if I was in her shoes, I could be that nonchalant.

I finish cleaning up, lock the doors, and head to the parking lot. I head over to Emily's house, where I find Leia and Riley waiting for me out front.

Emily brought the twins home two weeks ago, and now we get to visit them while they are all at home.

"Sorry I'm late," I say as I get out of the car, grabbing the gift bags from my front seat, before closing the door.

"Don't stress, we just got here ourselves," Leia says, with a smile.
