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"Are you as nervous as I am?" she asks, and I nod.

The waitress brings her glass of wine, and we both take a sip.

"How are you doing?" I ask her.

"I'm still processing, to be honest. I mean, I've always thought of us as close as sisters, you, me, Riley, and Emily, but it's a little different finding out we are actually sisters. I guess the good part is we already know everything about each other," Leia says.

"I thought about that as well," I admit to her. "I mean, if I was going to have a secret sister, I'm glad it's you, but yeah, it is definitely a lot to process."

"I'm okay with us being sisters, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I think my issue is your dad, or well our dad, I guess. I'm not sure how I feel about that. He's always been your dad when we were growing up, and I don't know that I can change that."

"I understand completely. Our parents picked a hell of a time to tell the truth, which has me wondering why now, after all these years?"

"Because of me. You remember when we were fifteen and went to the fair?"

"Yeah. That was the night Riley was supposed to meet up with Will, but he went with Jessica Miller."

"I actually forgot about that, but yes. The haunted house started all this. We went in that night, and I.."

"You had a panic attack or something, and Noah carried you out," I say, finishing up her thought.

"Yes. Well, for years after that I would have a dream, and it was always the same, the haunted house, and I would hear someone talking to me. Well Noah decided I needed to confront it, so that Friday we went to the fair, he had me go into the haunted house. I heard my mother screaming for me and telling someone to stop, so we left the fair and went straight to my mom’s. That is where she admitted my father was not my father, and then your father was there to tell me he was. It was a whirlwind night of information."

"Wow, that's a lot. No wonder you need time to digest.”

She nods.

"How are you and Noah doing?"

"We are good. Things are really good," she says, with a blush creeping up her face.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear all the details at our next girl's night. How is Riley doing?"

"She's still adjusting, but you know Riley. She doesn't allow anything to affect her for long."

I nod because it's true.

"What about you? What's going on in your world?"

I take another sip of my wine.

"What's going on, Kris?"

"I was asked to take on a client who had to have ACL reconstruction surgery."

"Okay, well that shouldn't be an issue for you," Leia says.

"Normally, no, but the client is Will Anderson."

"Oh wow. Are you taking him on?"

"He doesn't want me as his therapist, and I can't work with him, but his dad came and saw me today, asking me to come over and check on Will."

"Did you go?"

"Yeah, I went. He of course tried to push himself sooner than he should, but now his father says he's leaving for a business trip, and he's not sure how long he will be gone. He asked me to come take care of Will."

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