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We walk into the restaurant, and the hostess takes us to a table toward the back. The food smells amazing and I can't help the growl that my stomach does in anticipation.

The hostess leaves us with our menus, and my stomach grumbles again.

"Girl, you must be starving?" Riley says chuckling.

"I am. I was with a patient when Leia sent the text, so once I was done, I immediately went straight to the hospital, forgetting that I haven't eaten today, so thank you girls for coming to eat with me," I tell them with a chuckle, and they both laugh.

"I think we all need food, though if I went straight home, I probably would have crashed instead of eating," Leia says.

“Riley, how are things going over at the fire department?”

“They are good, same old things, nothing too exciting, thank goodness. How are things going with you? Meet any celebrities yet?” she asks with a chuckle.

“No, no celebrities, but things are going well. I enjoy helping people get back their independence,” I say with a sigh.

The waitress comes and takes our order before leaving with our menus.

"How are you doing, Leia? I feel like we haven't talked in ages. Are you okay with the break-up with Josh, seriously?"

"Oh, I'm definitely okay with breaking up with him. My only regret with him was that I actually agreed to go out with him in the first place.”

“He did seem a bit possessive when he was talking to you, and not in a good way either.”

She sighs, and says, “Because it wasn’t. I realized a little too late, Josh is very controlling, amongst other things. I’m very grateful I never had sex with him.”

“You didn’t?” I ask, completely shocked.

“It’s not like he didn’t try, but I never felt comfortable, so I always told him I wanted to wait until I was married.”

“Leia, are you still a virgin?” I whisper in shock.

Her face turns a dark shade of red, and even with the dim lighting in the restaurant I can tell.

“Yes,” she says, sighing, but looking around to make sure no one is listening to us.

“Good for you,” I tell her and watch the smile on her face grow. “You should wait for the right person, and never let anyone push you to do something you are not comfortable doing, and I am so glad you didn’t give that creep what he wanted,” I tell her.

“Me too,” she sighs, “but at this point, I don’t know if or when I’ll ever find someone, I can be comfortable with.”

“You will,” Riley says, and I nod in agreement.

The waitress brings our food, laying it in front of us, and I quickly pick up my fork, taking a bite, before I know it, my plate is empty.

“You weren’t kidding about being hungry,” Riley says, looking down at my plate with a smile.

“I think I was even hungrier than I thought,” I chuckle, my stomach still not feeling full.

“Leia, are you okay?” I ask, looking at her barely touched plate.

“Yeah, I’m sorry guys, I think I’m more tired than I was hungry. You want it, Krista?”

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” she says, as a yawn hits her.

I take her plate and am only able to eat half of her dinner.

The waitress comes back and takes our plate, leaving the bill. I give her my card.
