Page 32 of Blue-Eyed Hero

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She nodded. “Just hot.”

He blew at the tips of her fingers, hoping to bring her some relief. She inhaled deeply, her chest rising and falling with the action. It was impossible not to stare, but he tore his eyes away and met her gaze. “You should run it under cold water.”

She bit her lip and nodded before the haze in her irises cleared. She yanked her hand back. “I’m fine.”

He smiled. “I thought you’d be a pro at this, considering you eat them every night.”

“I’m usually more careful, but you distracted me.”

“Oh, it’s my fault, is it?”

“Isn’t it always?” She flashed her signature smile that could persuade anyone to talk to her, but he knew better. Her real smile wasn’t nearly as tight.

He glanced at her, willing her fake smile away, but her eyes locked on his. Electricity snapped through the air, and he tightened his fists at his side. If he unleashed his hands, he would grab her by the waist and yank her until her body was pressed firmly against his.

He imagined she’d fit perfectly there, but he’d never dare test his theory. There was a reason he was here—a reason he’d never pursued her in the past. “Fork?”

Allison’s head tilted, eyes masked with confusion. “Huh?”

“Fork. Unless you want me to eat with my hands.”

“Oh! Right.”

He moved to get out of her way, but they both went right. He quickly went left, but so did she.

Her hands gripped his shoulders, and she smiled her real smile . “You stay here while I go this way.” She slunk around him toward the drawer near the fridge, yanking it open and retrieving a fork. She spun on her heel and held it up. “Here you go.”

He took the fork, avoiding her eyes and that damn smile. He plopped on the stool and pulled the scorching hot container toward him and waited.

The microwave started up again, and Allison stared at it, her back to him. He didn’t want to look into her eyes again, but staring at her perfectly tight ass was not much better.

She went to the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. “Want some? Or I have beer in the fridge. I keep it stocked for when my brother stops by.”

“I’ll take a beer.” Whisky would be better, stronger, but he would take what he could get. He went to get up, but she waved him into place.

“I got it.”

She retrieved a beer and handed it to him. He looked at the label. “This is from that brewery in Red Maple Falls,” he said.

“O’Reilly had mentioned it, so I picked some up for my brother. He loved it.” O’Reilly was his buddy from the beginning days of his law enforcement career. He’d recently stopped by their small town while looking for his girl’s brother, who had been missing. It’d been nice to see a familiar face from that part of his life, especially a face that never betrayed him or brought harm to him, but someone who had always had his back. He was the only person other than Angel that Reid kept in touch with, only because O’Reilly was damn good at tracking people down. If O’Reilly wanted to find him, he would.

“How is it?” Allison pointed to his food.

The mention of O’Reilly sent him down memory lane, and Allison’s words drew him out. “What?”

“The food. How is it?”

“I haven’t tried it yet.”

“Too hot?”

“No, I’m waiting for you.”

Her eyebrows rose, and her lips curved up in a sexy grin that had him shifting. “You really are a gentleman, aren’t you?” She passed him a bottle opener, and he cracked the top off, focusing on the cap and not her lips.

“My mom taught me manors, is all.”

“Your mom. You don’t talk about her. Actually, come to think about it, I don’t think you’ve mentioned her.”
