Page 49 of Blue-Eyed Hero

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“Is he? Scaring her? Because she talks a big game, but she also slept with a nightlight until she was twelve.”

Reid thought about how she had grabbed his arm and asked him to stay. How he slept on her couch because she didn’t want him to go. That night, he had seen genuine fear in her eyes. “In the beginning, no, but I think she is. Yeah.”

“Fuck.” Xan ran a hand through his short dark brown, almost black hair.

“I’m only telling you because while I will try to stay with her or have a tail on her as much as possible. I can’t always have eyes on her. She doesn’t want Luna or your parents to worry and I get that, but—"

“You did the right thing by telling me. Maybe I can hire her a bodyguard.”

“They’re expensive.” Not to mention, Reid wasn’t exactly comfortable with the idea of Allison having some guy following her around twenty-four seven. He’d seen the bodyguard with Kevin Costner. He knew how this could turn out. If anyone was going to be her bodyguard, it would be him.

Xan laughed and rubbed at the scruff on his chin. “I can afford it. Trust me.”

Reid didn’t realize the construction business paid so well. Then again, from what Reid knew, Xan owned the company and was the go to for all the rich tourists looking to buy summer homes in their small town.

“Not that I don’t think that’s a good idea, but I think between me and you and my deputies, we can handle this.”

“It’s not bad enough she almost got shot a couple of months ago. I swear she’s probably thrilled about this whole thing, trying to figure out how to make it a news segment.”

“Oh, you know it, but I think she’s waiting for the dust to settle, so she doesn’t worry your family.”

“Always the righteous one, protecting everyone. If you’ll excuse me.” Xan moved toward the table and rested his hand on Allison’s shoulder, bending down and saying something in her ear. Allison looked at him, then shot her narrowed gaze across the lawn toward Reid. Oh, he was in trouble.

Allison smiled at her sisters, pushed from her chair, and followed Xan into the house. She was going to be pissed, but Reid had to do what was right in order to protect her.

When she stormed out of the house, her whisky-colored eyes firmly focused on him, pink pouty lips turned into a pissed off scowl, he wondered if his life was the one in danger.

“You told my brother!” she whisper-yelled as she approached him. She came to an abrupt stop in front of him and gave a quick smile over her shoulder. It was obvious she didn’t want the rest of the family to hear. She was a good actress; he’d give her that. “How could you?”

“Yes, and I would do it again, so go ahead and yell at me all you want.”

“I asked you for one thing. One!”

“And I didn’t tell your parents or Luna. You’re welcome.”

“Xan isn’t much better!”

“Look, I can’t always be around to protect you. It makes me feel better. Knowing someone else who cares about you can help keep an eye on you.”

“I’m not some child. I don’t need a babysitter. My brother is talking about getting me a bodyguard, as if that won’t draw a ton of attention to me.”

“I thought you liked attention.”

She raised a finger and poked his chest. “Watch it, buddy. You’re already on thin ice.”

He grabbed her finger and held it, noting the vast difference in size from his own. “Are you threatening an officer of the law?”

“No, I’m threatening the jackass who ratted me out to my brother.”

“That’s one in the same.”

She ripped her hand from his hold. “How could one person be so good looking yet so punchable at the same time?”

Reid didn’t want to crack, but his mouth betrayed him. “Good looking, huh?”

“Haven’t we already established this? Yes, you’re good looking, but you also have a face I want to punch.”

“I didn’t realize you were so violent.”
