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“If?” I stare at him, and he smirks before a cocky smile splits onto his face. “If what?” I repeat, glaring over at him, knowing he’ll ask for something that he knows I won’t want to agree to.

“If you give me a kiss.”

“A kiss?”

“Yep, that's my deal. Take it or leave it,” he says.

“What? Right now? Here?” I ask, looking around and praying for an excuse that someone is around. I find nobody.

“One kiss!” I say.

“One kiss,” he repeats, looking triumphant. I press my lips in a line and glare at him. He laughs. Mid-laugh, I lean over and peck his lips before sitting back in my seat.

“There. Done,” I chuckle, ignoring all the feelings of the bond inside of me.

“Uh, that's not what I meant by a kiss.”

“A kiss is a kiss,” I tell him.

“That is not what I meant and you know it; I’ve kissed my father better than that,” he growls.

“You kiss your father?”

“That came out wrong. I meant on the cheek, in greeting, not a romantic way!”

I laugh.

“What, you don't kiss people?” he asks.

“Well, I don't kiss my father, that's for sure,” I say.

“Stop it; you know what I meant,” Valen says, becoming embarrassed at his word vomit. It’s strange to feel him through the bond.

“I know what you meant, and I think it’s sweet that you give your father a peck on the cheek. Bet that makes him happy that you haven't outgrown your father's love,” I tell him. I don't want him to think I think it’s weird. It’s totally acceptable. It just shocked me that he was that close to his father. Although neither he nor his father appeared too affectionate, Valen was always happy to receive and give our son hugs and affection. It makes me think of my father when I was still his daughter, not his biggest shame.

He, too, was a good father and never turned our affections away until I got pregnant and went from daddy's little girl to daddy's rogue whore daughter. But I’m glad he has a strong relationship with his father. That would never be a bad thing. Though it made the entire Valarie mess more upsetting, knowing how much it would hurt Valen to know his father lied to him all these years.

“So, about this kiss you cheated me out of?” Valen chuckles.

“I did not cheat you. You cheated yourself,” I tell Valen as I motion for him to start the car. “I kissed you. It's done; now let's go. I need to get back to do some work.”

“Fine, but you still owe me a kiss, and a proper one,” Valen taunts while starting the car. “And Iwillmake you pay up,” he adds as he backs out of the driveway. I chuckle and shake my head at his words.



We drive through the city, but when Valen doesn’t turn into his territory, I glance over at him. I’m wondering where we’re going when he stops at the police station on the city's main street.

“You’re doing this now?” I ask as he unclips his seatbelt.

“Yes, Officer Richards’s mind-linked and said his son and Amber are still here. I told him to hold them until I got here,” Valen says before getting out of the car. I rush to unclip my seatbelt and jump out, and he starts walking up the steps. My heart races in my chest at the thought of what he’ll do.

“You said you wouldn’t hurt him,” I say in a rush, racing after him and gripping his arm. He keeps walking into the building, and some officers open the door for him as they come out. They tip their hats to him and continue to their patrol cars. I shake my head and look at Valen.

“I said I won’t, though I damn well want to. But Amber is part of your father's pack, and Micah is joining it. So if you want her to keep her mouth shut, I need to speak to them and Officer Richards,” Valen explains, and I sigh a breath of relief.

Valen doesn’t bother speaking to anyone, he just navigates his way around like he owns the place. He probably does; I wouldn’t put anything out of his price range. When we come to a locked-off area, Valen taps on the plexiglass window and the officer, who looks half asleep, jolts upright in his seat, nearly falling out of it. He quickly reaches over and hits a button. Valen opens the door and holds it open for me, then grabs my hand, leading me down the long corridor before we arrive at some holding cells.
