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“Then grip the headboard,” he mumbles between kissing me. Reaching up, I grab the headboard above his shoulders while he grips my hips, lifting them before slamming me down on him and making me gasp. His cock bumps painfully against my cervix, but it’s a good pain as my walls squeeze around him.

Euphoria slips through me as he continues to roll and lift my hips. Our bodies move in sync and I feel my stomach begin to tighten, feel the heat wash back over my skin, making goosebumps rise all over. His grip tightens, his nails digging in, and I feel his legs tense beneath me just as I come undone.

My pussy clenches, milking him as my orgasm ripples through me. He groans as he finds his release. His grip gradually loosens, and I roll my hips, riding out the remnants of my pleasure before crashing hard into his chest.

Valen's breathing is harsh as we both try to catch our breath. His lips press to my shoulder before he turns his face toward mine, which lies heavily on his shoulder, caressing my lips with his before brushing his nose against mine.

“I love you,” he whispers, and I smile, bumping his nose back with mine before pecking his lips.

“What's there not to love? I'm pretty great,” I chuckle.

“Is that right?” he teases. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he flips me onto my back.

“Should I be hurt you didn't say it back?” he laughs softly, nipping at my jaw to my lips.


“Then say it,” he whispers, licking the seam of my lips. “Tell me you love me; save my ego.”

I chuckle at his words before gripping his face in my hands and pushing him back, so I can see his face.

He’s breathtaking when vulnerable. He’s beautiful all the time, but the uncertainty of those three words I can see truly worries him.

“I love you, Valen Solace; I have since I found out you were mine,” I tell him.

“The whole time?” he laughs, and I chuckle.

“Yep, all that time. I just loved to hate you then.”

“And now?”

“I just love you,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck and tugging his lips back to mine.



The morning of the Alpha meeting is a rat race trying to get the kids dressed and ready for the day. As I quickly pull a shirt over Valarian's head, he instantly whines as the collar crinkles.

“Valarian, I haven't got time, not today,” I tell him. Of all the days he wants to have a meltdown, it has to be the day of the Alpha meeting. It will be held at 3 p.m. I’m already a nervous wreck. The shirt looks acceptable, but Valarian goes into a full-on meltdown, tugging at it and crying. Valen comes over from making his and Casey's cereal and grabs the hem, lifting it off him.

“Calm down. The hotel is fine, Everly. You're stressing for no reason,” Valen calls over his shoulder while wandering off to get Valarian a new shirt. He returns with a buttoned one and carefully does the buttons up for his son, making sure not to wrinkle his shirt, before seating Valarian at the table.

My brain feels fried with the list of things I have to check and arrange once back at the hotel, though Valen assured me he would help. How, I’m not sure since Zoe and I will be helping set up and I need him to watch both kids.

“I have to duck down to the council really quick, then I’ll head to the hotel to help you,” Valen says.

“Well, you need to take the kids with you. Zoe and Marcus are already setting up, and I need to check the restaurant and mark off the catering supplies,” I tell him.

“No, my father is watching them for us, and I already asked Zoe, who’s fine with him taking Casey too. You just have to meet him downstairs in the wine garden. There’s a kids’ play area,” Valen says, coming over and pecking my lips.

“Wait, what time?” I call after him.

“Just head down after they finish eating. Dad's taking them to the movies and lunch and will meet us at the hotel,” Valen calls over his shoulder before walking out the door. I sigh, looking over at the kids, who are happily eating their Froot Loops. Thank the Goddess Kalen is taking them; I don't think I can handle their sugar rush today.

The wine gardens are lovely, though the stares I receive from everybody are beginning to annoy me. I can't wait until the secret’s out, just so people will fuck off with their glares.

Casey and Valarian are climbing on the climbing frames and swinging on the poles when I get a text message from Kalen saying he’s running a little late. I’m surprised he has my phone number; Valen must have given it to him.
