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“Good choice because I wasn’t changing mine to Valen Summers,” he says, and I swat his arm with my hand.

“Go get changed,” he says, giving me a nudge toward the rear doors that lead to the back, where my apartment is. I sigh, taking the garment bag and heading for my apartment. I quickly change into the white pantsuit he brought before running the brush through my hair and tying it up. Looking in the mirror, I purse my lips. Something is missing. Walking into Zoe’s room, I rummage through her make-up bag and borrow some of her cosmetics.

I do a rush job of my make-up, knowing people will already be arriving, and I still have to place a few things out on the tables and check the seating arrangements again. The last thing we need is for rival Alphas and outside Alphas being seated together. Looking in the mirror one last time, I can’t help but feel like an imposter.

I suck in a sharp breath and take a moment to pause, trying to find the courage to go out there and face not only my father, but all those Alphas who are here for the announcement.

After today, everything will change. I will no longer be Everly, the rogue, but Luna Everly, and that thought scares me as much as it excites me. How I had changed over the years. Going from scared teenager to terrified but determined mother, having nothing to becoming a hotel owner, and now, changing once more, to Luna. Our village is growing larger, and that responsibility hangs heavily over me. Valarie's voice comes to mind; her saying whenever the health and safety people would mock our attempts to get this place running.

Micah is the worst. Zoe blackmailed him into helping fix the wiring in the place. He walks around and checks the place out, then bursts out laughing in our faces. He finds it hilarious.

“I’m not wasting my time; you’ll never get this place up and running,” he mocks with a shake of his head. Valarie refuses to hear it. She steps forward, and I see the fear in his eyes—hers hold none. The woman is fearless.

Micah takes a frightened step back at the look she gives him. He dares not challenge her. There’s something with the way she carries herself; she doesn’t fear pack wolves. No, Valarie is her own pack, and she let us be a part of it; she protects us, and this is home. True Alphas preserve their home and those that live in it; she’s our Alpha. Micah visibly gulps when she gets up close and sneers as she looks him up and down. Micah challenged her, and she loves a challenge. She says only two words as she snatches the tool from his hand. Two words that will always stick with me.

“Watch me.”

Without another word, she turns on her heel and walks to the power box, shuts off the power off, and undoes the screws holding the cover over the exposed wires.

I shake my head at the memory and smile to myself. It kind of became our mantra—fueled by everyone trying to knock us back. The day before we got the official notice and were told we could open our doors, we sat in the restaurant admiring our handy work. The place looked fantastic.

We were sipping our beers, covered in paint and Goddess knows what else. Valarie was leaning against the counter, watching us. She always watched us. She always let us know how proud she was of what we had accomplished.

“We actually did it,” she says, and we nod. All of us are exhausted, yet our spirits are high.

“You’ll never do it. That’s what I’ll tell you girls from now on,” she laughs.

“Watch us,” we say collectively with a laugh.

“That's my girls. And theywillwatch, and you will show them what us rogues are made of,” she says proudly.It has become our mantra.

I’ve fallen behind in my night classes, trying to juggle kids, work, and school, and I just feel so defeated. Valarie wanders over to me, cigarette between her lips, where I sit, sulking, looking at my failed test. My bag’s between my feet; I foolishly opened the letter right before I was supposed to leave for class. I sigh and rest my head against the brick wall, feeling like I’ve let her down.

“What are you looking at?” she asks.

“My stupid test; I failed,” I grumble.

“Let me look,” she says, snatching the paper from my hands. She peers at it and sighs.

“Might as well throw in the towel; you'll never do it.” She clicks her tongue, and I squint my eyes at her. One corner of her lips tugs upward very slightly. “Should probably quit this place too; barely made a dent; place looks like crap,” she says, motioning around to all the work we slaved our asses off doing all day.

She drags back on her smoke and raises an eyebrow at me. I purse my lips, and she smiles. She crumples up the paper and tosses it into the bin, and I snatch my bag up off the ground.

“Watch me,” I say, using those words I heard her say many times over. The challenge is on. She smirks.

“Oh, I am,” she laughs. Two little words, but they always put a fire in my belly.

So, with that, I head to the restaurant. Valarie handed this place to Valarian and me; this is my home, and now I’m not only fighting to keep it running, but I’m also fighting for the rogues—our village built from nothing—so there is nothing my father can say or do that can touch me.

We beat the odds; we built an empire. And I won't let one Alpha intimidate me. If Valarie taught me anything, it was to know my worth, and the only one who gets to determine that worth is me, not my father, not my mate, not those who try to suppress me. I no longer have to prove anything to anyone because I proved it to myself, and there is no feeling more empowering than knowing your own worth.

Reaching the rear doors to the hotel proper, I’m instantly bombarded by a flurry of organized chaos as those brought in to help cater scramble with last-minute alterations and tasks. Making my way to the doors to the restaurant, I walk in halfway through the opening speeches, clipboard in hand. I look over the guest lists before walking to the back to check if the chefs need help in the kitchen. The place is already packed, and Kalen is addressing those that attended. I’ve been to plenty of these growing up, and I know Valen plans to make the announcement at the end of the night.

A few hours in, everyone is mingling peacefully, the Alphas wandering amongst each other to form small groups and chat. Looking over at Valen’s table, he nods to the chair beside him, but I shake my head. I still haven't seen my father, and I’m waiting for it. Kalen, I know, wants to keep things civil as long as possible, so I keep my distance, biding my time.

But when a commotion happens toward the back of the room, I recognize my father's voice instantly.

“You fucking idiot! You spilled it all over me!” he yells, standing up. I tilt my head to the side to see Valen stand and look in his direction, along with a bunch of other Alphas. My server fumbles, trying to clean up the mess. Zoe is already quickly approaching, trying to help, with Marcus lingering in the background. Difficult patrons are something we deal with regularly. This is nothing and an easy fix for her.
