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“Luna,” she stutters, and I try to remember this woman isn’t the cause of my anger. I glance at her name tag.

“Hi, Amanda, I need to speak to someone about my rejected petition,” I tell her, leaning over the counter and showing the case number on my email. She quickly taps away at her keyboard.

“It says you needed four Alphas to sign off on it before it could be heard,” she says.

“I have four Alpha signatures,” I tell her, showing her mine and Valen’s, along with the Alpha and Luna from the southeast borders. Amanda shakes her head.

“Yours and the Alpha Valen's don’t count since you are the one filing the petition,” she tells me.

“Since when?” I snap at her before sucking in a deep breath. Not Amanda’s fault, I remind myself. “I’m sorry. Is there someone I can speak to about it?” I ask, trying desperately to put a smile on my face.

“I can see if my supervisor is in?” she offers, and I nod, my fingers drumming impatiently on the desk.

She makes a call and turns away from me. I watch her a moment before glancing at the clock behind her on the wall. I need to get back to sign off on a delivery in an hour.

“Sir? I have the Blood Luna here. She wants to speak with you.”

I blink at what she called me. Hearing them call Valen that is one thing, but me?

“I understand, sir. I’ll let her know,” she says before hanging up the phone. She turns in her seat and smiles apologetically at me.

“He’s in a meeting and said you’ll have to book an appointment,” she says, shrinking in her seat. I purse my lips. This is some bullshit! I can guarantee they wouldn’t pull this shit with my mate.

“Your supervisor’s name, please?” I ask.

“Scott Peters, Ma’am.”

I click my tongue. Of course, he won’t see me—he’s a member of my father’s pack.

“Thank you,” I tell her, turning on my heel to leave and heading for the doors. The security staff quickly opens the little gate I barged through on my way in, and I see another guard waiting there with a bandage in his hand. Sniffing the air, I can tell he’s one of Alpha Nixon’s pack members. He nods to me when I take it from him.

“Thank you,” I murmur, pushing the door open with my shoulder. Getting back to my car, I stare out the windshield, trying to think. My father and mother rejected the petition. That stings more than it should for some reason, but seeing my father’s signature on the email really gets to me. It’s one thing for them to kick me out, going without knowing if I was alive or dead for years. Now, they want to publicly join the crusade against rogues.

Even after all these years, he can’t do one decent thing—not even for his disgraced daughter. This is bigger than me, it isn’t for me, and still, he rejected it. It’s like he’s shunning me all over again. When will I be enough? I blink the tears away.

Valarie’s words come to my ears.“They don’t deserve your tears!”Knowing she’s right, I sniffle and wipe them away. I don’t need them; I proved that. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want them or miss what I once had. I want Valarian to know where I came from, to know the parents who raised me before they shunned me.

Starting my car, I head back to the hotel. Halfway home, my anger is still festering beneath the surface though, my emotions trying to strangle me.My workers don’t deserve my anger, I think to myself.

Yanking the car off to the side of the road, I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, debating what my next move should be.

“Fuck it!” I growl, glancing in the side mirrors. When no cars are coming, I crank a U-turn heading in the opposite direction from the hotel and floor my beast. The engine growls just like me as I head back to the one place I haven’t been to in years—I head to the place I once called home, to the very man who shunned me.

He doesn’t deserve my tears, but he fucking deserves my anger, which is what he will be met with. When I get to the border patrols, they wave me down to pull over, but I flip them off, laughing my head off as my truck smashes through their boom gate, ripping it off before heading to the packhouse. If my father isn’t already alerted to the border breach, he sure as hell will hear me coming with the way the engine roars as I put my foot down, heading straight for the center of his pack land—what should have beenmypack land!



While caught in traffic on the way to the council chambers, I try to call Everly repeatedly. Her anger is all-consuming, and I’m worried she might do something reckless. As her fury becomes too much through the bond, I find myself becoming angered by it. The traffic back-up only adds to my anxiety.

Honking my horn, I try to see around the cars ahead to see what’s holding up traffic. Only then do I notice the police lights flashing and realize it’s a damn accident. How? It’s a straight stretch of road! How does someone take out the only damn traffic light pole in the center median strip? I shake my head, annoyed.

Drumming my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel, I try to call her again, but no answer. Yet, her anger slowly simmers down as I feel anger replaced with something else—she’s overwhelmed. Her emotions scattering all over the place make me feel manic. That’s one of the downsides of the bond. I feel close to her, but I also don’t feel like I have complete control over my own emotions. I’ve been waiting for ten minutes, and we haven't moved an inch. However, when I feel through the bond she’s moving further away, my heart races, wondering where she could be going. Her anger has returned full force—maybe even angrier than before—and my heart races and thumps wildly in my chest as panic sets in.

Sticking my head out the window, I see the tow truck start hauling the wrecked vehicle away. Surprisingly, the buffoon driver survived, but he’s clearly intoxicated. He’s out of the car, stumbling over his feet, when I notice Officer Derrick dragging him into his squad car’s back seat. Yes! He’s one of my guys!

Sticking my fingers in my mouth, I whistle to grab his attention. He looks up at the line of cars backed up, and I open the mind-link.
